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hoseok was beautiful, taehyung thought suddenly. he didn't know what caused him to think of such a notion, perhaps it's the somewhat pining crush he has on the other, perhaps. he just looked up from his phone, then started amusingly looking at his hyung who was, like usual, hugging and laughing along with the others. but for some reason, his smile was brighter than usual and his voice seemed like a rare treasure that taehyung could never gain if he missed his moment.

he sighed, giving himself feathery touches by hovering his fingers over his cheeks. he licked his lips in annoyance, smacking his cheeks with both of hands gently. he was being so silly for no apparent reason. when he looked up, however, his calm moment was ruined when his beautiful, sunshiny hyung was sitting right next to him, arms wrapped around his neck.

hoseok giggled, gently punching the younger 's arm with a smile. "v, let's go play with the others! it'll be much more fun with you there." hoseok then wrapped his arms around taehyung 's individual arm, making the younger blush in embarrassment of how close his hyung was getting. "a-alright, lemme go to the bathroom first, okay hyung?"

hoseok nodded excitedly, before letting go of taehyung 's arm and walking towards jimin with a hug attack behind him. taehyung heard jimin 's audible groan and hoseok 's laugh before stepping out of the room and going to the bathroom. once he stepped in the family's restroom and locked the door, he inhaled deeply, before gripped the sink until his knuckles turned white and looking at himself with a mirror.

he stared at himself in pregnant silence, before dipping his head down and letting go of the sink to roughly ruffle his hair. "you idiot! i can't believe you started blushing like some freakin' school girl just because your crush hugs your arm. which he does all the time!" he raised up his hands up in hysteria, pacing around the small bathroom and continuing to berate himself with 'idiot' and 'you are such a pining fuck.' he then gave out a exasperated sigh, pulling on his cheeks.

he then walked towards the sink, turned it on, and splashed the cool liquid on his visage. a slow inhale and exhale was emitted, before giving a small huff of affirmation that yes, he's good now, hes cool and unlocked the bathroom to go back to the room.

taehyung was then greeted by jungkook, who slapped his back in greeted and giggled like a child when doing so. as taehyung groaned in pain, he heard jungkook say, "you were taking a long time in there hyung... what were ya doing? pooping or something?" taehyung only responded with a smile, a punch and a 'aish, this kid' before feeling arms wrapping around his neck and a familiar laugh.

"taehyungie! you were taking so long that jimin and i got so boreed," he showed the amount of boredom he had, making taehyung smile at how much he was acting like a child, "but now that you're here, lets play a game! like that piano game on my phone or tag or something!" taehyung just nodded, hoseok unhooking himself from the younger to inform jimin taehyung was here.

he'll tell hoseok his feelings, he thought to himself with a warm smile, but not today though.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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