"I’m so sorry Amber, I’ll never shout at you again" he soothed, as if he read my mind. I cuddled up into him resting my head on his chest as he stroked my hair. Leaning over he softly kissed my forehead.

"I’ll never hurt you Amber, that bastard will never come near you again. I’ll die before I ever let anyone hurt you again" he snarled quietly as he continued to stroke my hair making me closing my eyes as flashes of red shot into my mind, my hand automatically moving over my empty stomach. Fresh tears streamed as sobs engulfed my body. My baby, my poor defenceless little baby, I couldn’t protect it, I’d never forgiven myself, and I never would.

Looking down he sighed and placed his hand over mine rubbing my belly

"I know Amber but we’ve got you, that’s the main thing" he sighed continuing to rub small circles over my flat stomach and hands

Nodding I looked up to face him, yet again more tears escaped my eyes when I saw his face.

He was a shade of white I’d never seen, his eyes were red and puffy like he’d been crying and he had the saddest look on his face I’d ever seen. I couldn’t help what I did next, it was if my head was on auto pilot as I lifted my head up and pressed my lips onto his,

"Thank you" I whispered. I pulled away looking at his now shocked gaze.

"What for" he asked holding me tight and looking straight at me still wide eyed

"You know what for" I replied honestly and softly, looking and me he just nodded and kissed my head again.

"Anytime sweetie" he replied sighing, a single tear falling from his beautiful blue eyes as if he was reliving that night two years ago.

I shuddered not wanting to think what would have happened if Luc and Jen hadn’t shown up when they did. It sent a cold shiver down my spine just thinking of it. Looking up, my eyes met his. I melted there and then I realised he was always around when I needed him, he had been for years. I just had never seen what he meant to me.

Blinking I leaned forwards waiting for him to do the same while thoughts swam round my head, he’s your friend Amber, your too much hassle amber, you’ve got too much baggage Amber and lastly the one that tore me into pieces, he only sees you as a friend Amber.

Suddenly I snapped out of my daydreams, his lip crashed to mine meshing together like that’s where they were meant to be and always had been. His hands trailed from my stomach to my waist as he continued to passionately kiss me with such intensity it took me aback. 

I pulled away and looked at him, his eyes were still puffy and red but they were dancing with happiness and joy

"Amber I....I....." he started before I cut him off pushing him down and devouring him deeply with a passion I never knew I had or felt before. 

His lips fit mine as if we were made from each other, he traced his tongue over my bottom lip, slightly nibbling for entrance, I groaned as I opened and let him in, his taste exploded in my mouth as we gently massaged each other’s tongues. My hands moved up his back until I was running it through his chestnut brown hair.

I felt his hand move up my top onto my bare back, I tingled with anticipation; shivers went through me to my core that was throbbing right now wanting him so badly. He pulled away and looked at me with a pained expression in his face

"Amber we can’t" he sighed looking sick as he was saying it, I knew he was lying he was a terrible liar and I could always tell him a mile off

"I can’t lose you. I just can’t lose you Amber" he said almost whimpering as his eyes glazed over with fresh tears as he battled with his self.

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