1 - The Fall of The Sky

Start from the beginning

"What's the plan?" Boss A asked.

So plan had been made, in order to take down Vongola, all they need to do was doing one thing.

If you chop off someone's head, the body would be motionless.

Thus, that one thing was to take the head.

Their target was Vongola Decimo, Sawada Tsunayoshi.


A large explosion could be heard through out Vongola mansion. It was in the middle of the night when it happened.

Many of the fighters immediately rushed outside to fight and protect the mansion, while some, together with Decimo's Sun Sasagawa Ryouhei by their side, rushed towards the explosion from the inside searching for any injured and survivors, as Tsuna and the rest of her Guardians too rushed out.

Tsuna couldn't help but widened her eyes and gasped in horror when she noticed where the explosion's exact location was.

That was when she realized that many of her people had a sure death.

The west wing of the Vongola mansion her predecessors left for her was burning. The west wing where the maids and butlers' sleeping quarters was located.

"No.. No!!" Tsuna screamed out. She promised them. She promised to protect them, and they believed in her to keep them safe as they happily work and stayed with her in the mansion.

"Tsuna-sama, I know that hurts you a lot but you will have to mourn them later, we have enemies to handle!" Hayato stood by her side, taking down any enemies nearby.

Tsuna snapped out of her horror, and nodded, immediately assisted her fighters. Entering hyper mode, she jumped, dodging a Lightning arrow, and rushed to Hayato's right and kicked an enemy who trued to make a sneak attack.

She then made a quick look around her. Her Storm, Gokudera Hayato, was by her side, fighting together with her.

Her Rain, Yamamoto Takeshi, was fighting side by side with her youngest Guardian, the Lightning, Bovino Lambo, where he be the defence and Takeshi as the offense.

Her Cloud, Hibari Kyouya, was fighting near the forest at the mansion's entrance. Taking down as many enemies in sight nearby all by himself.

Her two Mists, Rokudo Mukuro and Chrome Dokuro, were also fighting side by side, where Chrome casting illusions everywhere, and Mukuro took them down right after they were trapped in Chrome's illusions.

Turning her attention back to the enemies in front, after seeing many kept their distances from her, definitely knew she was a close-combatter, Tsuna pulled out a gun, immediately pulled the safely off.

A gun she never thought there would be a time she would use it, given by her tutor, Reborn, when she was still being the boss-in-training.

"Here" the still in an infant form Reborn said, putting a revolver in her hands, after he led to a shooting field.

"Huh? A gun? For what?" Tsuna asked staring at the weapon she was given.

"You will never know when you will need it" Reborn replied. "Your hand-to-hand combat won't be able to save you in every battle field"


"Now shut up and start shooting" Reborn shoo-ed her to stand on position. Grumbled at him, Tsuna still listened and opened fire, which she only managed to hit two out of six on the target board.

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