Chapter 4

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Of course the school day went by faster than normal today. Usually that would be fine by me, but not today, when I’m dreading what’s coming after school… Harry and I’s ‘bonding’ session that my dad is forcing us to have. At first I actually thought it would be good to get to know him, but the more I think about it, he’s just going to be his stubborn, asshole self the whole time. I wonder what we’re even going to do… it’s not like we share any interests.

After school, I went to change into some denim shorts and a tank top after making the terrible decision to wear jeans to school on this hot day. Maybe Harry and I can get some frozen yogurt to cool off. Once I changed, I grabbed my purse from where I dropped it on the bed and walked across the hall to Harry’s room. Might as well get this over with.

“Are you almost read—“ Whoops.

I walk in on Harry still getting dressed after his shower. He’s not naked, but close enough with only his boxers on.

“Yeah just give me a minute.” He doesn’t even care that I’m here… watching him get dressed. “And if I were you, I’d put some jeans on.” He tells me as I begin to walk out.

“Uh… you do realize it’s like 90° out?”

“Yes, but trust me, you don’t want to wear those"—he points to my short shorts—“things while you’re on a motorcycle. Bad idea.”

“We are not taking that thing.” He’s crazy if he thinks I’m getting on one of those things, let alone with him.

“And how do you suppose we get to where we’re going then?”

“We’ll take my car.” Okay, for once I’m thankful for that ridiculous gift Dad gave me the other day.

Harry rolls his eyes in defeat, but I can tell he doesn’t want to argue it. Wise man. “Whatever,”

“Great, I’ll meet you outside in five.”


I leave him to get ready in his room and take a minute to breathe. Shit, he’s hot.


“Are you finally ready?” I sigh when he finally joins me in my car fifteen minutes after he said he would.

“I had to call someone.” He explains without an apology. Should’ve expected that.

I take a deep breath, silently praying that this night won’t be a complete disaster, and start the car. I have no idea where we’re going, but I begin driving away from the house before I change my mind about this. I’m doing this for Anne—I keep reminding myself.

“So this is the car he got you?” Harry laughs and plays with all of the buttons on the dashboard. “Damn, if I were you, I would’ve moved in with him a long time ago.”

“I didn’t move in with him because he has money.” I snap at him. He’s this close to hitting a nerve, and I’m really not in the mood for fighting with him… but then again, I never am.

“Just sayin’” He puts his hands up as if he’s surrendering.

“Okay where do you want to go? I’ll drop you off and then go to Starbucks or something. We can just tell my dad we actually bonded.” I've changed my mind, I'd rather skip this little hang out sesh.

“Oh no, no way. You’re not getting out of this.” Harry shakes his finger in front of my face and I slap it away. He’s in a playful mood, and I hope he remains this way the rest of the night.

“So you’re saying you actually want to? I’m giving you an out…”

“I know where we can go.” He ignores my question. “Drive to the pier.”

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