"Yeah, I do know" I sighed irritably; he just wouldn't hut up, and kept asking questions about my personal life. What next, who I've slept with? He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"So... what did you do at you former pack... any boyfriends?" he growled at the end, his eyes shifting to a shade darker. Whoa... was I psychic or what?

"Eh, you know the usual; securing the borderline, having occasional fights with the beta, training. You know that stuff. Had about... two flings, and one serious relationship, you?" I shrugged; I honestly didn't see the point of asking me that- it would just work up his wolf.

He narrowed his eyes accusingly; they turned a few more shades darker, almost black.

"With who?! Did you sleep together?!" he fired at me, a growl ripping through his throat.

"That's none of your business-"

"Of course it is" he snapped, his wolf taking over. "You're my mate- what I say goes! Did you sleep with him or not?!" he was really pissing me off now, he goes asking about my personal life, then about who I've slept with.

"Well, you're my mate. Doesn't that mean I have rights to know who you've slept with?" I asked calmly, trying to keep my cool, and be the rational one here.

"No, why should you know who I slept with. You know I'll never cheat on you" he said, I smirked knowing I had one the battle. His eyes widened, as he realised he had lost, his eyes kept flashing back between his normal grey, then to his wolf's black.

"Fine..." he growled deep in his throat, "how serious was the relationship?" he spit out, as if there was a disgusting piece of shit on his tongue. Jealous are we?

"Serious enough to lead onto college, but after I found out he saw his mate at a bar, I dumped him. She doesn't deserve that" I replied, remembering how thankful he was when I told him to get his mate- he was always too soft, didn't have a backbone.

"College" he stated, a thoughtful look on his face. Ignoring the rest of what I said.

"Yes, college, I'm going in three months. What about it- if you're saying I won't be able to attend you better protect your balls" I threatened, not liking the tone in his voice.

"It might be a bit hard, considering you are going to be the alpha female of the pack. What courses are you taking and where?" my right eye twitched, he better let me go...

"I'm studying forensic And health psychology, at the university of Denver" I winced slightly; Denver was outside of the pack borders. He would never let me attend. But who said he could stop me...

"Denver's outside of pack boarders... you know?" he said. Well I'm that one who's going to the university, so of course I know! He paused, scrunching up his lip a bit, and then looked up.

"Take online courses" he smiled, as if he figured out the answers to the universe.

"Why should I, when I got a full scholarship to Denver- they're practically paying me to go there" I stated. Why the hell should I miss out on an opportunity like this for him?

"I don't think I said you had an option" he suddenly snarled; his wolf had taken over. Taking a few moments for his words to sink in, I started fuming in my seat. Opening my mouth to yell at him, he covered it with his hand.

"Then it's decided! You'll be taking online courses" he finalized. Looking at him horrified, I growled low in my throat, surprising me. I shouldn't be able to growl, was what a small part of be said in the back of my mind, but the larger part of me was pissed at my mate because he would not let me actually physically go to university.

I felt like screaming at him, taking online courses was just like reading a book about psychology- you had to have experience with people, know people who loved doing what you loved. I felt tears well up in my eyes, at the thought of him controlling my life- even who I was going to be.

"No" I said in a shaky voice, "it's not decided. I'm going to Denver, whether you like it or not. I don't give a shit if your wolf will start throwing hissy fits, or if you want me to stay at you place because your elders won't approve of it. I. Am. Going." I gritted through my teeth, gaining control of my emotions. After my words of resilience registered on his brain, he started shaking in his car seat, his fingernails growing longer, and digging into the leather seats.

"Listen, you are my mate, and what I-"

"Yes, you're right. I am your mate, but that doesn't give you a right to destroy everything I love. Even if it means that I have to go away for long periods of time for about 4 years. Get over it, you'll survive, I can come back on breaks" I cut in, stopping his useless rant. I had made my mind, and not even he was going to change my mind.

He didn't say anything after that.

Closing my eyes in relief, I wondered how long until we reached the pack house. The tree's here were greener than in Maine- the place where my 'former' pack lived. I had a feeling we were nearing the pack house which was in the middle of now-Blake told me that the pack house was in a deep forest, and 'our' house was about 30 minute run in our wolf form- so an hour or two drive.

Driving deeper onto the middle of no-where, the forest got thicker, and darker. The tree's becoming more wild and diverse. Looking ahead of the driver, I saw a large dirt road going into the forest, the driver turned into the road.

I could feel Blake staring at the back of my head, and it was making me feel all tingly and jittery again.

I didn't like it

The dirt road slowly turned into a paved again, and I raised my eyebrows in question. What was the point of that when you're just going to pave it again?

"So others think it's a dead road" Blake said, I nodded my head. He could probably feel my confusion through the bond. Taking another turn, we came into a 'huge' clearing. Not just huge, it was massive! There was also a giant house, or should I say mansion, probably the pack house.

"You'll have to answer my question sooner or later. So did you sleep with him or not?" I tensed, not liking the fact that he brought up this topic again. Couldn't he just leave it?

"Like I said before, it's none of your business" I stated unemotionally.

"Of course it's my business! I'm your mate, I have a say on everything you-" I roughly opened the door, and left it open storming away from the car.

"Hey! Come back here! Don't walk away from me Lee!" he yelled, I spun around and glared at him. He looked behind me nervously, but quickly covered it up.

"Don't you call me Lee! You first try to take me dreams away from me! You think that you can have the final say, and everyone will be happy about it, but guess what?! That's not true, and then you try to find out about my personal life, when you refuse to even mention anything about yours! Well you know what?! Screw you! I wish I never met you!" I yelled, causing him to take a step back. His face paled visibly, and I heard gasps and whispers of shock from behind me.

Turning around, I see about 500 people all standing there, with either their hands on their mouths, or completely still. Swallowing, I spun around and sprinted into the woods. The sounds of people gossiping about me slowly died out, as I ran away from the source of my problems.

Damn, I was screwed


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