Chapter Two: Brave, your highness

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"Clarke always wanted to do everything perfectly and be the one on top. I didn't care about doing things perfectly and I guess that is bounds for mortal enemies," I said.
"Look a river!" Octavia yelled.
She ran over there and started to take off her clothes.
"Octavia don't!" Clarke said.
She didn't listen and she jumped into the water. She beckoned us to come in, and we were about to when we seen something headed towards the water.
"Get out now!" I screamed.
It was too late, whatever it is grabbed a hold of Octavia's leg and started to drag her.
"Distract it, while I save her," Jasper said.
"Throw the loose rocks into the water," He added.
We quickly got to move the rocks and it worked. The creature dropped her and can towards us while Jasper saved Octavia. When Octavia was back to safety, Clarke tended to her wound. She tore Octavia's shirt and tied it around the bite mark.
"Monty take her back,"
"No, I'm fine. Let's go," She said standing up.
"Mount Weather should just be across the bluff," Clarke said. We pushed past leaves and noticed that the bluff was like fifteen feet apart.
"How the hell are we gonna get over there?" I asked.
"By this," Finn said tugging on a vine.
"I'll go first then whoever else," Finn said.
Jasper looked at Octavia and then climbed to where Finn was and took the vine.
"I will go first," He said.
After a few minutes of hesitation and prepping him, he finally swung over and landed. He gets to his feet and then picks something up. It was a sign that read; Mount Weather. Then all of a sudden a spear hit him right in the chest.
"What was that?" Clarke asked.
"I don't know but I'm not sticking around to find out," I said.
We all started running as fast as we could out of there. We must've run like four or five miles before Clarke stopped.
"We just can't leave him there," Clarke said.
"Yes, we can. He's dead," Finn said.
"We don't know that," She said running back into the direction we just came from. We sighed and followed her.
When we got back to the edge, Jasper wasn't there.
"He's not there anymore?"
"We need to go back and tell the others what's going on.

Bellamy's POV

"I can't say what I did but when the Ark comes down here, I won't be pardon. Do you think you will too? We are expendable, no one cares if we die. If the Ark comes down, we will be put in lockup again. Now are you in with taking the bracelets off?"
They both looked each other and nodded.
I just need to convince the others to do the same.
By the time it got dark, we have fourteen bracelets and counting off.
"What are you doing? Taking the bracelets off, the Ark will think we are dead,"
"That's the point genius," Murphy said.
"Why would we want those people down here? Especially your father. He floated my mother cause she had another kid. Here, we can do whatever the hell we want, whenever the hell wants," I said.
"Whatever the hell we want!" People cheered.
"Look you don't have to like it but it's how things are gonna be," I added. He rolled his eyes and walked off.
"We need to do something about him," Murphy said.
"We will,"
I saw Wells walking alone on the shoreline and I walked behind him.
"Wells!" I said pulling out the gun.
He jumps and turns.
"I wish it didn't have to be like this," I said putting the gun away while Murphy and Atom cut off the bracelet.
I walked back to camp.
I walked outside of the tent I made and saw Wells and Atom talking and about to fight over the clothing Wells had.
"My father-"
"You're father's rules don't apply down here. If you want them, you gotta take them," I said taking the shirt.
He threw the boots on the ground. Some people go after them.
"This is what you want?"
We heard someone scream and we ran to see. I saw Murphy holding a girl to the fire.
"To get the ark to think we are dying, we should make them suffer before taking the wristbands off," Murphy said.
Wells goes over and pushes Murphy off the girl and pulls her away from the fire.
"This is chaos," Wells said looking at me.
The next thing I know Murphy decks him in the face. They get into a brawl and Wells actually kicked the shit out of Murphy which surprised the hell out of me.
"You think you can control this?"
"You're dead," Murphy said holding a knife.
"Hold on," I said getting in the middle of it.
"Fair fight," I said throwing a knife at Wells' feet and backing up.
Wells looked at it, to Murphy to me and picks up the knife. They start to go at it again. Murphy got a slice in but Wells put in a hold with the knife at his throat.
"Wells," Clarke said running down the hill.
"Let him go," she said.
Wells pushed Murphy off him and he tried to go after Wells again but I stopped it.
Then I see my sister limping with two dudes helping her walk and princess walking behind them.
"Octavia, are you okay?" I asked going to her.
She nods
"Where are the resources?" I asked.
"We were attacked"
"By who?"
"The last man from the ground who died on the ark wasn't the last man on the ground,"
I looked over at Octavia and she pulls closer to me.
"It's true. Everything we thought about the ground is wrong. There are people here. Survivors. The good news is it means we can survive. Radiation won't kill us," Clarke said.
"But the grounders will,"
"Where's the kid with the goggles?"
"Jasper was hit. They took him," Princess said.
Clarke looked down at Wells' arm and grabbed it.
"Where's your wristband?"
Wells pulled away.
"Ask him," He said looking at Bellamy.
"How many?"
"Twenty-four and counting," Murphy said.
"You idiots, the ark is dying. They are running out of oxygen. We need their help to defend whoever is out there. You're not just killing them, you are killing us,"
I rolled my eyes.
"We are stronger than you think we are. If they come down, She'll have it good, just like Wells and McKinley. How many can say the same? We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm makes you a prisoner. We are NOT prisoners anymore. They say they will forgive your crimes. I said your not criminals. You're fighters. Survivors. The grounders should worry about us,"
"Yeah," The crowd yells.

"We need to go and find Jasper," Clarke added walking to the dropship.

McKinley's POV

"He's dead," I said when she came out of the dropship with gear.
"If he died from the spear, it would've been immediate death, but he was still alive when we left the first time when we got back he was gone," Clarke argued walking towards Bellamy and Octavia.
"We'll look in the morning," "He'll definitely be dead by then,"
"We don't know what's in these woods or know our way around in the dark. We are no good to Jasper if we are dead," I said.
"You're leaving to get Jasper? I'm coming," Octavia asked when we walked up to him.
"No you're not," Bellamy said.
"He saved my life,"
"He's right. Your leg will only slow us down. That's why I came to you. I have you have a gun,"
Bellamy lifted his shirt and shows the gun.
"Good, you're coming with us,"
"And why would I do that?"
"Because Bellamy, you want these people to follow you right?" I asked.
"They're thinking only one of us is scared," Clarke finished.
"Murphy, you're with me. Atom, make sure my sister doesn't leave this camp,"
He nods.
"If anyone touches her,"
"Hey wait," Bellamy said.
"We don't have time to waste,"
"We can go when you take this wristband off," Bellamy said.
"The only way the ark thinks I'm dead is if I'm dead,"
"Brave, your highness,"

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