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strength is beautiful.

there are many things that are strength
the ability to take a hit and stand back up.
to have your heart broken and still laugh.
to take riducule but keep your head high.

sometimes i wonder.
how do i get my strength.
how do i sit infront of people.
people who have lied to me
people who have betrayed me.
people who have hurt me.

but still have the strength to forgive.
to surive.
to move on.
to know that nothing they do will break me.

there arnt many garantees in life.
even fewer in mine.
but there are some things i could always
depend on.
one, everyone will leave me someday.
two, no one will ever truly be satisified.
three,selfishness and bitterness control the world.
four, truly being loved by someone.
is highly unlikely.

my own family have said worse things to me.
then even the person who actually tried to kill me.
my own mother betrayed my trust.
i am the odd one out in my family.
the only girl with a good heart.
the only girl who isnt selfish.
the only girl who see men as my equal no something below me.

and because of this knowledge i carry about the world.
because im the only one who stands out.
my surivival has been difficult.
i was never one to blindly follow.
im a artist.
i question everything with unbias curiousity.
because of this i learn things most would not care to see.
i became currupted by reality when i was only three.

i know the darkness in the world.
i know the value sex and money holds.
i dont hate people.
i worry about them.
i question there reasons why?

this is my strength.
the key to what has been my survival.
i am not selfish.
i do not beg and plead.
i accept the limits i have.
i work around them.
i grow like everyone else.
and work for what i owe.
not manipulate to progress.
not cheat to get paid.
and i dont hold bitterness.
i love not hate..

real strength isnt pretending.
that all this bad in our world doesnt exist.
real strength isnt believe that your unhappiness is greater then anyone elses.
real strength isnt believing you can change it all.
real strength is seeing it and suriviving.
real strength is fighting for your place.
real strength is knowing someone else is always worse off.
and because of that you have to help.
real strength, is in knowing you cant change it, but trying anyways.

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