The Expectations

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Have you ever heard the saying.
The eldest kid makes the rules.
The middle kid is the reason for them.
The youngest Doesn't need rules.

What they never say is.
The eldest sets the expectations.
The middle kid blows them out the water.
And the youngest struggles to even get close.

That would be me.
The youngest of three.
One is a genius, And one is strong.
... emotional, sensitive, dependent, And broken.

How is it from a young age.
A girl can carry the weight of the world.
Yet she manages to keep a perfect smile.
To stay the nicest person,And never give more to others.
Then shes willing to take herself.

The Answer is, No one can really do it.
Everyday is a Struggle.
To keep the smile in place.
To be whats expected of me.
To keep my family moving forward.
To keep Their hearts beating steady.

Its so hard to do.
The looks they give me.
It shatters my heart, Without words.
I wish i could be.
Who they want me to be.
I can not be.
The Perfect daughter.
The Trusting sister.
The Forgiving Friend.

How do you smile.
When you can feel the tears starting to fall.
How do you stay strong.
When you know your not enough.
When no matter what you say or do.
It all is wrong.
Its never enough.
Its hard to meet the expectations set for you.
when everyone who went before you.
Was better, smarter, stronger.

You reach the point, when your like.
What is the point of trying.
If everything is not enough.
Why should i keep trying.
Why should i fight for it.

I have Accepted.
Maybe im just not meant to be.
Who they want me to be.
Maybe, im not suppose to be as good as the rest.
Maybe i am just suppose to be Me.

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