Fairy Tail Battle Royal

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Your P.O.V.

"So what do you want to do when we get back (Y/n)-san?" Wendy asked me. We were taking a small break from the trip back to Magnolia because Natsu insisted that he was going to puke all over someone and I did not want to have to clean that up.

"Um... I'm not sure yet." I began. "Probably take a nice, hot bath." I noticed Gray get up and walk away from all of us. "I'll be right back." I got up and followed the ice mage. "Hey, Gray. Whats u-"

"Right here." He mumbled as he placed a hand on his chest. "I was shot right here. And I died. It felt so... so weird."


"It was just. I don't know."

"Gray I know how you fee-"

"NO YOU DON'T!!!" He turned and almost screamed. "You don't." He turned his back to me once again, his hand still on his chest. I walked up next to him and sat down on the grass.

"But I do. I watched a loved one get killed right before my very eyes because of a mistake I made."

"It isn't the same." He sat down next to me and there was a long minute of silence.

"I died, Gray."


"A long time ago... I died. And my... my f-family... went to extremes to bring me back. We didn't get a minute to go back and fix it." I explained to him without mentioning any connection to Zeref. Again, silence.

"So don't you dare say that I don't know how you feel," I whispered.

After a few more minutes. Gray finally spoke up, although sadness and regret were etched in his voice. "I'm sorry, (Y/n)."

"It's okay. Let's go back, we wouldn't want to worry everyone." I tried to make my voice sound as happy as I could, for Gray's sake but, just thinking about what happened makes me feel... I don't know how to describe it... Just wrong.

"Yeah, okay."

'Everything is wrong...'

---------------Le time skip to arriving in Magnolia---------------

"We want to give you your old guild hall back!" Said the mayor of Magnolia.

"Thank you." Master cried. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

"For Fairy Tail our town's pride and joy!" The Mayor cheered.

"FOR FAIRY TAIL!" The town cheered back.

After thanking the townspeople we all went inside.

"HOW ABOUT WE PARTY!!!!!!" I yelled. Everyone cheered and Mirajane busted out all the drinks.

"You're not planning on drinking are you (Y/n)?" Natsu asked.

"Pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Naw!" I said trying to sound drunk. it could be fun to ACT like I was anyway.

"YOU'RE ALREADY DRUNK!?" Lucy shrieked.

"What's it to ya blondie!?" After I said this I chugged a glass of beer.

"(Y/n) you know the rules about alcohol, you're not supposed to have any." Erza said. "So if you'll ju-"

"SHUT UP!!!" I yelled and punched her in the face. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us completely mortified. Even Natsu was scared.

"Is that how this is going to be?" Erza asked as she dusted herself off.

"Yes?" I replied, unsure of what she meant.

"Very well then. REQUIP! PURGATORY ARMOR!"

"C'mon Erza! At least give her a chance, the poor girl is drunk!"

"Who said I was drunk!?" I said angrily. Everyone cowered in fear. I grinned and looked at Erza. "Bring it Titania."

"STOP!" We all looked at the master. He was drunk... Already. "If we are going to do this we are going to do this right. Let us see who the strongest member of fairy tail is!"

"What do you mean by this master?" Erza asked as she re quipped back into her normal outfit. Natsu grinned and slung one arm over my shoulder.

"He means a fairy tail battle royal."

"I'm all fired up," I said and Natsu glared at me.

"Like father like son!" Gray laughed as he took off his clothes.

"Gray your clothes!"

"Aw crap!"


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