Kissed by Two Dragons in One Night

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"Now its my turn... To protect you."

A/n- Thank you so much you guys! I love all of you! And I'm so sorry that lately all of my chapters have kind of sucked... and are taking forever... Gomenasai!!!!!!! But here's this chapter. I hope you enjoy my crappy writing! Happy reading! (I'm also sorry that I say anyway a lot... I don't know why I do that.)

Your P.O.V.

"Sting, what do you mean Your turn to protect me?'" I asked. "We only met yesterday."

Sting hugged me tighter. "Its just, complicated..."

"Okay, Sting, you're really starting to freak me out now... Can you please take me back?"

"Wait!" He let go of my torso and grabbed my hand. "I want you to meet my best friend!" He began pulling me somewhere.

"You mean that emo guy on your team?" I asked.

"No I meant Lector!" He smiled.

"You mean that cat?"

"Exceed, is the technical term. And yes. Don't get me wrong Rogue and I are best friends but Lector and I are BEST friends. Does that make sense?"

"Sure Sting. It makes perfect sense." I said sarcastically.

"Great!" He said completely clueless to my sarcasm. Then he dragged me to where he was staying. When we got there he whispered "Come this way." In my ear and dragged me to the back of the building.

"Why cant we just go through the front door?" I asked, realizing that he wanted me to climb up to the window we were in front of.

Sting sighed. "Its just that, my master doesn't like weaklings."

Stings P.O.V.

"Weaklings? Who are you calling weak?" (Y/n) asked me angrily. "I bet I could beat you with my eyes closed!"


"I bet I could beat you with my eyes closed!" (Y/n) yelled at me.

"What are you two arguing about this time?" Rogue asked.

"Sting here thinks I suck at basketball! When I am clearly better then him!"

"Are not." I mumbled.

"Alright then Sting! Right here right now!" (Y/n) smirked.

"For what?" I asked plainly. Rogue face palmed.

"A basketball game you idiot!" (Y/n) smacked the side of my head.


"I'll even close my eyes. The winner is the ultimate champion!"

"And the loser?" I looked at her.

She smirked devishly. "Has to be the winners slave for a month."

I smirked and reached my hand out for her to shake. "Deal."

     -End flashback-

"You aren't even gonna respond to me!?" I blinked away the memories to be met with an angry  (Y/n).

"I didn't call you weak." I replied while i climbed up to my bedroom window.

"Technically you did." (y/n) said climbing up after me

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Then what did you mean?"

"Its just..." I climbed in through the window then grabbed (y/n)'s hand and pulled her through too. "Because you aren't a part of Sabertooth my master would see you as a weakling and try to kill you. Please trust me on this, okay?"

Dragons Love (Sting x Reader x Natsu)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang