Mr. Dreyer Part 1

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Your P.O.V.

"(Y/n) I'm in love with you!" Sting shouted.

A deep crimson color formed on my face.

"I-I w-well..," I couldn't speak.

A low growl came from Natsu. He tightened his grip on my hand. It hurt but I wasn't going to say anything. This must be hard for him, after all, he confessed to me last night. He started to walk away, dragging me with him. But then he stopped dead in his tracks. He let go of my hand and walked over to Sting. He grabbed Sting's shirt collar and lifted him up off the ground.

"Stay away from (Y/n)!" Natsu growled.

"And if I don't?" sting questioned.

"ILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!" Natsu yelled as he threw Sting as hard as he could into the ground.

Natsu grabbed my wrist, his fingers digging into my skin. I was pretty sure that I'd have a bruise in the shape of Natsu's hand on my wrist. I looked back at Sting apologetically only to see him glaring at Natsu. I sighed and followed the pinkette back to our inn. When we got there Natsu roughly pushed me onto a bed. Once he let go I unconsciously grabbed my wrist. I was right, a bruise was forming.

"I want you to stop hanging out with that blond," Natsu said sternly.

"I can do whatever I want," I replied. "You're not the boss of me."

Natsu slammed his lips into mine but I pushed him away. "Natsu..." I sighed

"Please..." Natsu got onto his knees right in front of me. There was almost a pathetic helplessness to his voice. He then he pulled me down onto his lap and hugged me. "I don't like seeing you with other guys."

"Natsu." I sighed again. "Sting is my friend and if I want to hang out with him I will. You can't stop me."

"I know." Natsu hugged me tighter and buried his face in the crook of my neck. "But I love you and... and I want you to be with me. not him."

"Natsu..." I hugged him back. "I can't promise you I won't stay aw-" Then I heard Erza, Gray, and Lucy.

"Should we go in?" Gray whispered.

"I say we make them stop hugging," Lucy whispered angrily.

"N-no, l-lets come b-back later..." Erza mumbled.

"They're in llloooovvveee!" Happy sang. Natsu and I just chuckled.

--------------le time skip brought to you by fancy tuna---------------

"LUCY!!!" Natsu and Gray cried. they ran to catch her as she fell from the water sphere. I don't like her but that was going too far. Erza ran down to the stadium, I was about to follow but I blacked out.

Laxus' P.O.V.

"LAXUS VERSUS ALEXI!!" (Is that the name Master Ivan used, I don't really remember)

"Good luck Laxus!" Mirajane cheered.

"Juvia believes in you!" Juvia added.

"Tsk. whatever." I replied plainly.

I walked out to the stadium and after it began I was in a purple space like area facing Alexi.

"Laxus." he said. "Long time no see." he remove his mask only to reveal my father.

"Master Ivan." I sighed. "Should have known it was you."

"What?" he replied. "No hello father? no, I missed you father?"

"But I didn't miss you. and your not much of a father." I sighed. "In fact because of you I basically had to raise (Y/n)."

"I never really liked (Y/n) that much." Ivan replied. "now, tell me where fairy tails light is!" (I don't really remember what fairy tails big secret was called. its been forever since I saw the GMG arc so, yeah, I'll just call it the light.)

"What are you talking about?" I asked plainly.

"Tell me Laxus!" Ivan snapped. "Surely Makarov has told you!"

"I really don't know what you're talking about." I sighed.


"Shut up."

"Maybe this will change your mind." he snapped his fingers and (Y/n) appeared next to him. she was tied up and it looked like she had been beaten a lot. She started to fall but Ivan caught her by the hair and lifted her up off the ground.

She opened one eye and looked at me. "Laxu-" Ivan cut her off.

"Shut up!" he threw her on the ground and stomped on her arm and she screamed in pain. a dark aura formed around me.

"Don't touch her," I growled.

"Watch me!" Ivan laughed and kicked her again. Tears fell from her eyes. I cloaked myself in lightening and got ready to attack when Ivan spoke again.

"You really think you can take on all of us?" as he said that the entire Raven tail team appeared.

"Watch me," I smirked. I used my lightning to appear in front of Ivan. I was about to punch him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" He laughed.

"Why not?" I growled.

"Would your sister ever forgive you if she got hurt under your watch!?" I looked at (Y/n). red hair lifted up her small figure.

"If it means hurtin' you..." I clenched my fist and covered it with even more lightning. "She definitely

A/N- Today's special guest is Rogue.

Rogue: When do I get to tell (y/n) my secret.

me: soon, soon.

Rogue: Then I'm not interested. *leaves*

me: WAIT!!! COME BACK!!! Oh dang, it! Don't forget to <3 fairy tail, bye Minna!

Dragons Love (Sting x Reader x Natsu)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt