Chapter 20:I Am Home

Start from the beginning

Once the sun rested on the horizon Mia began making her way towards the sound of music and laughter. "Mae?" Mia spoke up. "Yes ma'am?" Mae asked. "Try not to drink too much." Mia winked. Once the scene of the celebration came into view they caught the eyes of the two from earlier. "Over here!" He called. They both hurried over to them. "The king is about to make an announcement." Both Miaand Mae nodded and looked ahead. "Here's to the people of Sindria!" Mia tilted her head in thought. The name sounded familiar. Mia looked at Mae who frowned. "I can't see the king." She whispered. "Neither can I." Mia sighed. A shy boy came up to Mae, awkwardly asking to dance. Mae looked at Mia who smirked and pushed her towards the boy. "Knock yourselves out." She laughed. Mae nodded and disappeared to dance.

Mia sat down on a ledge near where the tables full of food were. She leaned back and nearly fell backwards. She saw someone she thought she'd never see again.

Sitting there with young girls surrounding him was the one and only Sinbad, his violet hair unforgettable. "Still a womanizer." Mia thought with a smile. Her eyes wondered along a few people until pale skin and freckles caught her eyes. Ja'far had grown since the last time she saw him. Looking as serious as ever. He probably wouldn't be able to recognize her, with common brown hair and hazel eyes. Sinbad might not even notice her now that she thought about it. "Is that?" Hunter spoke in Mia's mind. "Sinbad? Yep." Mia responded, looking around. She couldn't hear Hunter as her eyes met yellow. Hinahoho, she realized. He blinked at her, squinting as if trying to remember something. Mia smirked at him and he frowned before grinning. Mia pressed a finger to her lips. She was surprised he remembered her. He nodded slowly. Slipping off the ledge she made her way into the crowd. Finding Mae enjoying herself. "Oh, Mia! You should dance." Mae smiled her face a little pink. "Mae did you get drunk?" Mia asked. "Me? Never!" Mae giggled.

Mia rolled her eyes and blinked once a shadow loomed over her. Mia looked up. "Oh my." She smiled, pressing her long sleeve pver her mouth, looking sly. "You've grown." She whispered as Hinahoho laughed. "You have too, lady Mia." He said softly. "Just Mia." They shared a chuckle. "How is Kikiriku?" Mia asked, turning around to face Hinahoho. "He's doing well. How have you been?" He asked as they walked toward a table to sit down. "I've been doing okay." She shrugged. "Sinbad hasn't been the same, you know?" Hinahoho suddenly said, looking toward his king. "I'm surprised you remembered me." She crossed her legs and arms, trying to avoid the topic. "At first I was doubting it was really you, but when I saw that necklace I realized it really was you." He chuckled. She touched the crescent charm. "I figured Ja'far would have noticed you first but..." Hinahoho didn't have to finish his sentence. Mia nodded slowly, looking to the side. "Who's this cutie you're talking to, Hina?" An unfamiliar voice asked, an arm wrapping around Mia's waist. Mia raised an eyebrow at the white haired male with tan skin, looking at Hinahoho. "Ignore him, he's drunk." Hinahoho chuckled weakly. "Sharrkan! Leave that girl alone you stupid swordsman!!" A female voice yelled. "What was that?" He asked, glaring at the blue haired woman that approached. "You heard me!" She wacked the one named Sharrkan over the head with her staff and huffed. She turned to Mia and smiled. "Excuse him and his perverted behaviour. I'm Yamraiha. Excuse us." She grabbed Sharrkan and dragged him away, arguing.

Mia laughed. "Quite a crowd." Hinahoho sighed. "Yeah, you probably didn't know Sinbad finally established his kingdom, did you?" She shook her head. "Well those two are one of the eight generals. Sharrkan is from Heliohapt and Yamraiha is from Magnostadt." Mia nodded and looked around. "Where are Mystras and Rurumu?" She asked. "They...they died, Mia." He muttered grimly. Mia felt her eyes slowly begin to water. She sniffed and rubbed her eyes. "I'm fine, don't worry." She smiled at Hinahoho's concerned look. "Well, I'm glad to see everyone else still alive and well, especially him..." She stood up. "Will you talk with him?" Hinahoho asked hopefully. "I..." Mia paused, looking toward Sinbad. "No. I'm sorry. I'm not ready to face him. Please give me some time, Hina?" She turned to Hinahoho. "Ahh, I can't say no to you when you say my name like that and give me that look." He rubbed the back of his neck, grinning.

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