Chapter 16:Werewolf Goddess

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Alright, first off; I apologize for not updating. I was sick with bronchitis, again. It was pretty bad but I recovered. Christmas was also a very crazy time but now that it's over, let's get started!

Featured Comment:
"okay so does this mean they're still looking for the wolf goddess?? I'm getting excited!!!" ~ HayashiRina18


Mia stared into the crystal blue sea as her mind races with many thoughts. It wouldn't be long before they reached the island of the Wolf Goddess. "You okay?" Mia blinked and looked over at a concerned Ja'far. "Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled. He sighed. "If you ever need to talk I'll be around." He slowly walked away to leave Mia alone. She watched in silence and moved away from the rail. She made her way to Sinbad who watched the waves roll by the ship. "Guess I'm not the obly one spacing out." Mia spoke up. Sinbad looked up and grinned once he met her eyes. She leaned against him and sighed. "I'm so tired." She muttered. "Then go take a nap." He chuckled. "I can already see the island, there's no point." She groaned. "You sound like a kid whining." He laughed. "Oh? Well you act like one." Mia retorted. He scoffed. "Guys! I can see the island clearly now." Ja'far announced as the island grew larger. "Quite an island." Sinbad whistled. "Hey! You!" A girl waved her arm. Sinbad looked her way as Mia nudged his arm. "Try it and I'll strangle you." Mia smirked evilly and walked off as Sinbad gulped.

As the group exited the ship they were met by a few kids with ears and tails of wolves and the body of humans. "Oh hey, they kinda look like Mia!" Akira spoke up. "Mia did you have kids?" Sakura asked softly. Mia gave them an unamused look. "I doubt she had any because when we had-" Mia hit him in the stomach with the back of her hand quickly. Sinbad held his stomach as he gave small sounds of pain. Ja'far just facepalmed. Mystras blushed as he held his bleeding nose. "Let's go before Mia kills Sin." Ja'far sighed.


Everyone stared at the large doors in awe. "How big is the goddess!?" Mystras asked. Sinbad touched the door. On que the doors opened slowly to reveal a lively palace inside. Small wolves and children like before were running around. There was even adults and teenagers roaming around. "Welcome." A woman smiled sweetly. Everyone stared at the woman standing in front of a throne. Beautiful white robes wrapped around her perfect tan skin. Brown hair cascaded down to her hips, a pair of familiar hazel eyes to match. A small silver crescent moon rested on her left cheek like a beauty mark. She was very beautiful, she was a goddess after all. "A blessed day it is indeed, to meet the first conqueror, Sinbad." The goddess smiled. Sinbad smiled and bowed. "I'm honored such a beautiful goddess as yourself knows me." The goddess chuckled. "Quite the gentleman." She slowly stepped down from her platform and stopped in front of them. Mia looked away as the goddess made eye contact with her.

"It's wonderful to see you again, Mia." The goddess smiled. Everyone looked at Mia in surprise. Mia gave a confused look. "I have much to discuss with you." The goddess placed her hand on her chest. The goddess held out her free hand for Mia to take. Mia raised an eyebrow and hesitantly laid her hand on the palm of the woman's hand. She pulled Mia forward and began walking. "I hope to see you alk at dinner!" The goddess waved as she left with Mia. The group blinked, trying to process what just happened. "Please, follow us!" A few werewolf girls waved with giggles. The group followed them with confusion still written on their faces. The werewolf children watched them with curiosity as they walked by.


Mia stared at the goddess ahead of her as they entered a garden. The goddess sat down on a stone bench and patted the place next to her. "Please, have a seat." Mia sat down and looked at the woman. "What did you want to talk about?" Mia raised an eyebrow. "Well, I thought it was time we discussed what you are." The goddess said, her smile dropping. "What I am?" Mia asked. The goddess nodded in return. "I'm a werewolf, am I not?" Mia tilted her head. "Yes, you are. But you're more than just a werewolf." The goddess cupped Mia's face and smiled sweetly. "You're me and I am you." Mia's eyes widened. "W-What?" She stuttered. "Mia, I'm your other half." The goddess spoke. "The half that was torn from you long ago."

"You're the real Werewolf Goddess, Mia."

Holy Moly! I got this up faster than expected!! I hope you are excited for the next chapter. I bet this twist totally turned your thoughts around didn't it? huntersmoon1. Also, I bet this turned you around as well, SakuraGarcia8. Well, I'm off to work on other books! Bye my moonlets!



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