Chapter 2:His Name Is Sinbad

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Yay another chapter that took forever to write! :D

Mia groaned as sudden pain hit her and slowly opened her eyes and blinked adjusting to the brightness. "Oh you're awake!" A voice called next to her. Mia hummed in response and slowly looked over and blinked a blonde man was smiling down at her. "Eh?" Mia blinked in confusion. The man smiled down at her while Mia could only stare. "Oh hello I apologize for the confusion" A sweet voice called. Mia looked behind the man to see a woman smiling sweetly at her. Mia touched her forehead. "What...happened?" Mia asked looking at the ceiling. "Sinbad and I found you laying near the path to this village" He replied. "Who's...Sinbad and who are you?" Mia asked looking over at him. "Oh my apologies! I'm Yunan" The blonde man smiled. "I'm Ezra it's nice to meet you...?" Ezra trailed. "Mia" Mia smiled back weakly. She began to sit up slowly and looked around. "It's nice to meet you both" Mia nodded. Ezra was about to say something but began coughing alarming both Mia and Yunan.
"Thank you...I feel so bad for making guests worry about me" Ezra sighed. "Have you had this sickness for long?" Yunan asked as Mia sat down next to him. "Yes I have...I feel like I'm burdening Sinbad...He should be able to adventure but I'm holding him back..." Ezra frowned.

"Not true" Mia said catching their attention. "I may not have known anyone here for long but from what I've experienced you aren't burdening him I'd rather have a mother than be free to roam a world..." Mia answered looking down gripping the end of her sweater. "Mia you're too sweet" Ezra smiled making Mia lightly blushed. "Can I ask a favor of you both?" Ezra asked intertwining her hands and bowing her head eyes closed. "If Sinbad were ever to stray from the right path could you both set him right and watch over him?" She smiled. Mia and Yunan looked at each other then at her. "After all I won't be able to do anything will I?" Ezra smiled waving her hand at them. Both Yunan and Mia sweatdropped. "Ezra it's terrible it's Sinbad!" A woman yelled. Both Mia and Yunan hurried out the door to where the villagers had gathered. Mia looked over the villagers shoulder to see a green haired man kick a purple haired boy on the ground. "What's going on?" Mia asked quietly a hand over her mouth. "He ignored the draft" A woman answered tesrs in her eyes. "Yunan is that Sinbad?" Mia asked worriedly. "Yes it is" Yunan answered. Mia glared in the soldiers direction. "What're you doing to Sinbad!" A little boy cried running at the man only to be kicked. Mia covered her mouth. "Wait a few more years and you'll be of use to the parthevia army" The man smirked.

Eventually they had left and Mia looked down. Yunan hurried to Sinbad to ask if he was ok. Mia shook her head and walked up to them. Sinbad looked up and blinked. "Oh you're awake now" Mia lifted up his arm that was bleeding gently. "Does it hurt?" Mia asked looking at it. "Not too much" Sinbad smiled. Mia puffed her cheeks and squeezed his arm causing a wave of pain to run through him. "OW! What was that for!" Sinbad asked. "Don't lie to me!" Mia glared her cheeks puffed tightening her grip. "Ow,ow! Ok,ok! It hurts" Sinbad hissed in pain. Mia loosened her grip. "C'mon I should clean them before they get infected" Mia sighed. "Infected?" He asked. Mia pulled him along and sat him on a barrel. "You could get sick" Mia explained. "Oh..." He replied watching her clean his wounds. Yunan watched them smiling at how close they had suddenly become. Mia dabbed his cheek gently while Sinbad stared at her. "I've just met you and you're already a reckless idiot you know that?" Mia sighed. Sinbad grinned rubbing the back of his neck. "Heh..." Mia shook her head and put the cloth down. "There" Mia sighed. "I'll be with Ezra if you need me" Mia waved leaving the two to chat. Mia entered the small house and smiled at Ezra.

Later Sinbad had came back. "Hey Sinbad where's Yunan?" Mia asked. "Just call me Sin and he left" Sinbad smiled. Mia nodded. "Hey you didn't happen to see a cream colored german Shepard did you?" Mia asked. "What's a German Shepard?" Sinbad asked. "It's a breed of dog" Mia replied. "His name is Hunter and I was with him not too long ago" Mia said. "Well I'm pretty sure I saw something white and furry running from the kids earlier..." Sinbad recalled. "Thanks!" Mia smiled getting up and running out the door Sinbad following behind. Mia spotted something in the corner of her eye and turned that direction. "Hunter!?" Mia shouted. Sinbad watched Mia look around. "Hunter where are you?" Mia sighed. "DOGGY!" A child's voice echoed. Mia looked behind her to see Hunter being chased by children. "Hunter!" Mia gasped. Hunter turned his head and ran behind Mia. "Hunter what're you-" Mia was cut off by getting tackled by a kid making her fall backwards. "Ouch" Mia hissed and looked down to see a kid staring back. "Uh...hi there?" Mia sweatdropped. "Hi pretty lady" The kid smiled. Mia patted the kids head and looked over at Hunter. Hunter sat beside Sinbad watching Mia. "I go now" The kid smiled and ran off.

Sinbad held his hand out to Mia which she gladly took and dusted herself off. "By the way I've never seen any clothing like that you're not from around here are you?" Sinbad said. "No I'm not from here" Mia said emphasizing here. "I'm Mia if you're wondering" "And I'm Sinbad" They shook hands. Hunter sneezed and followed both teenagers back to the house and laid down missing his doggy bowl. "C'mon Hunter it's ok" Mia said petting him. Dinner time had rolled around and Mia ate silently with Hunter. "Hey mom I-" "Hm" Ezra smiled at him. "Nothing" Sinbad smiled getting up and walking toward the stove. "Sinbad come here" Ezra smiled. Sinbad turned around to see Ezra holding up his father's sword. Mia next to her smiling...

Finished! Should Mia join Sinbad on his journey to the dungeon or not? Tell me your thoughts in the comments! Bye moonlets =^•^=



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