Chapter 5:Valefor

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Man these take a lot of effort of well it's worth it =^•^=

Mia looked around the dungeon blue crystals glowed and sparkled from reflective light. "Wooooah" Mia said in awe. Hunter sniffed the ground and lifted his head his ears twitching as he picked up voices. Hunter sneezed and padded toward the end of the cliff and sat down his head looking down. Mia followed him and groaned in annoyance as she watched the boys fight green hair catching her attention. "Drakon..." Mia sais quietly and looked at the woman behind him. Hunter growled quietly at her. "Down boy" Mia ordered making Hunter whine and sat back looking up at her. "I know" Mia sighed looking at them all. "Shall we?" Hunter nodded and stood on all four watching her climb down quietly. "I bet the dungeon is laughing at you idiots right now" Mia annouced loudly all heads turning her direction. Mia sighed shaking her head walking past them and stopped and whistled. Hunter shot out from the cliff and slid to her side his eyes scanning over the gawking group. Mia huffed and looked over at Drakon. "Yo" Mia said casually waving her hand. His eyebrow twitched a "Tch" following it. Mia tilted her head as a small knife hit the wall behind her. "I would keep knives to yourself kid" Mia remarked tilting her head the other way narrowing her eyes. The young assassin gave an annoyed look. Mia felt a sudden force tug her back grabbing Hunter in reflex and water suddenly surrounded her. Mia blinked watching the water freeze behind them at a rapid speed. Mia took a breath at air filled her lungs and shook the water off setting Hunter down. "What the hell" Mia asked ringing her hair out. Sinbad sneezed and fell back.

"What're you doing here?'s because of you I'm here anyway" Hina mumbled the last part. Mia rolled her eyes and sat down huffing. "I only followed Sin" Mia declared looking at the ground. Sinbad looked at Mia. "Why did you follow me anyway?" Sinbad asked. "Were you worried?" Sinbad smirked. Hunter growled making Sinbad raise his hands in defense. "Oh shut up pervert" Mia hissed glaring at him keeping her eyes on his forehead. Sinbad's eyebrow twitched but he sighed. "Anyway let's get to the djinn yeah?" He sais. "Yeah ok..." Hina sighed. Mia followed them into a room her eyes meeting a djinn's. "Ah perfect all challengers are here" The djinn smiled. Drakon did the sound again making Mia roll her eyes and look at the djinn. "All challengers?... So everyone has an equal chance of being a djinn user?" Mia asked. "Yes indeed" Valefor nodded scratching his ear. Hunter padded toward the djinn and barked at him. "Oooh how interesting" Valefor said. "So you're a-mhm I see this makes things more interesting" Valefor chuckled. Mia shuffled her weight to her other side and watched the djinn carefully. "I don't get it what's going on?" Sinbad asked confused. Mia stayed silent not answering him. "Well since no one has any idea who is to be my master how about you do a challenge" Valefor said. "Anyone who catches Minifor my double will get to be the king vessel" Valefor explained setting down Minifor. "Timed of course" He grinned a hourglass appearing. The moment the hourglass turned all the boys chased after the mini cat each unsuccessful.

Mia sat on the steps near the djinn watching them silently. "Not as easy as it looks hm?" Valefor snickered. Mia stroked Hunter watching them figuring out how to catch Minifor. Finally Sinbad came up with a plan and when it succeeded Mia faceplamed. Sinbad then gave a speech on why he wanted the power the most Mia hanging on every word. Mia stood next to Sinbad as he smiled at the young assassin. Suddenly dark liquid leaked from the three assassin's eyes and mouths shocking the untainted ones. Mia touched the silver haired ones shoulders making pain slowly unwind from his face. Mia suddenly found the world spinning and pain spreading on her back as she coughed up blood. "MIA!" Sinbad yelled. Mia began to push herself up when black liquid wrapped around her wrists and solidified holding her down. "I'll be fine!" Mia yelled weakly spitting blood on the floor. "You stay out of this girl!" The witch yelled making Mia growl to her self. "SHUT IT YOU OLD HAG" Mia remarked earning a squeeze from the black substance. Mia flinched and hissed in pain. Mia could only watch as darkness formed into a beast. Sinbad went diving in with his knife distracting the beast. Hunter was biting it making it roar in pain. Mia pulled her arms trying to break free of the black rock. "SINBAD" Hina yelled. "Not yet!" "But you'll be squeezed to death!" Hina yelled back. Sinbad yelled in pain as the beast began squeezing him. "SIN!" Mia yelled pulling harder. Drakon stabbed it in the head making it drop Sinbad relief filling Mia's eyes. Mia watched as Valefor broke her binds freeing her. "Thank you" Mia smiled. "Don't worry about it" Valefor waved it off. Mia ran to Sinbad as Hina struck the beast. "Sin? Sin!" Mia called his eyes slowly opening. Mia sighed hitting his forehead. "You idiot you scared the hell out of me!" Mia scolded. "Heh sorry..." Sinbad grinned cheekily. He got up and went to the young assassin. "Hey you ok?" He asked.

Suddenly the beast was regenerating the witch smiling wickedly. "He was already falling so he made the perfect core" She commented. "You sick twisted witch!" Mia yelled. "How could a  child be falling into depravity?!" Valefor exclaimed. Sinbad stepped up to him and raised his arm and stuck it into the dark void. Mia put her hand on his should the scene playing through her head. When Mia let go hpthey both wrre back to normal. "Phew" Mia sighed. Valefor turned into his serious form and asked for the king candidate. Hina hit Sinbad forward making Mia smile. Mia petted Hunter softly watching Sinbad walk toward Valefor. When they were teleported outside Mia breathed in the cold fresh air. "Freedom!" Mia yelled raising her arms Hunter rolling on the ground. Mia looked back at Sinbad and then to the group and sighed. Mia looked up hesring shouts to see the Imuchakk tribe and rubbed the back of her neck. Once Mia was up she leaned against a wall watching them chat away and watching Sinbad talk to Drakon. Sinbad walked up to Mia smiling. "How's your back?" "Fine" Sinbad gave her a look like he didn't believe her. "You sure?" He asked. "If I say it hurts a little will that be more believable?" Mia sighed. "If you want I could check it for any bruising" Sinbad smirked. Hunter found this conversation suddenly amusing. "Oh shut it pervert!" Mia retorted. "I'm not a pervert!" Sinbad yelled in defense. "Are too!" "Are not!" Mia sat on the railing waving at the tribe members. Hunter laid nearby sleeping from their last adventure peacefully. Mia watched the docks disappear into the distance the wind blowing her hair...

Finally finished it! Anyway I've been wondering if anyone would want to read a new book like give me an idea of a anime or something like Voltron:Legendary Defenders! I need something fresh to do other than the same books I have. 3 Sinbad books! I need something new D:! Bye moonlets!



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