Corresponding Correspondents

493 16 4

To: Reporter Girl

From: lhuntzberger

Date: 7/5/2007

I haven't met the Senator myself, but I have donated- if for no other reason than I know how much that would annoy my parents and the rest of the Hartford Elite- perhaps next time he's in the area I'll hit up a fundraiser- I may not have the entire Huntzberger fortune at my disposal anymore, but I'd like to meet the man.

I tried to live in the house, but it didn't really work, so I found an apartment a few blocks away from the office and I bike there most days- unless it's raining. I know, it sounds crazy, but it's been a good way to work out while still being in the office and behind a desk a good 17 hours/day.

I liked the piece you wrote about Axelrod, that guy is interesting- it's crazy to see the intersection of political strategy and Silicon Valley... how was it meeting the newsman? I know you always liked him, was meeting that idol a bit more satisfying than your early interactions with my father?

As much as I miss you, I think I'm glad you turned me down- I'd hate to have kept you from this, you're killing it, Ace, you're going to have a Pulitzer by 25!

Love, MAC

To: Reporter Girl

From: lhuntzberger

Date: 12/12/2007

Wow, I was going to send you a quick note to say it was great to actually talk on the phone the other day- I know you're busy and you've had to cancel a few of our phone dates recently- but just as I was logging in I saw the photo of you and Oprah- what was that like? Did Lorelai absolutely lose it when she found out you were going to meet her? Finn was so jealous, he's always had a crush on her, regardless the obvious lack of red hair.

I liked how you wrote about the repositioning of the strategy- once again, Axelrod is a genius, making it about the status quo vs disruption. It seems like everywhere I go these days everyone wants to talk about "disruptive marketing" and "blowing up the box", apparently we do want to reinvent the wheel these days- it's impressive to see a politician harness that sentiment and use it, usually they're so much less responsive. So, dare I ask, cards on the table- who do you think is winning come Super Tuesday?

Work continues to be intense, thank God we're closed for the week between Christmas and New Years- I think Finn and I are going to go surfing, maybe scuba diving in South Africa or Paraguay, he's still trying to decide which one, statistically speaking, has more red heads. Don't worry, we're not parachuting in this time, we thought we'd be boring and just fly into an actual airport with a landing strip and all. How about you, have you heard if you'll be home for the holidays at all?

Love, MAC

To: lhuntzberger

From: Reporter Girl

Date: 12/14/2007

Wow, this week has truly kicked my ass- and not just because I didn't sleep for like two days after meeting Oprah! (Partially because of the ridiculous high of meeting the woman, partially because I've been fending off calls from Stars Hollow ever since the picture was posted- Babette wanting to know what she smelled like, Kirk wondering if I could pass a script to her and Patty with a message that she owes her for that thing in Chicago... I shudder to think what that could possibly mean). Oh, and mom of course asking if I can NOT wash the shirt I was wearing that day, she'd like to frame it and hang it on the wall.

Anywho, I think I'm sick- I had to miss two events this week (God, I hope I didn't get Oprah sick! Oh man, no one wants to be the rookie reporter that gave Oprah strep!) The weird thing about getting sick on the road is learning 1) exactly how crappy your health insurance is- HMOs suck; 2) learning to navigate the world of 24-hour Minute Clinics- because trust me, you do not want to make the mistake of going to the ER with a fever even if it seems the easiest way to get treatment- $200 co-pay? Ugh, that was a grim two weeks until my next paltry paycheck- and, sadly it was my plane ticket money to Hartford. Mom and Dad want to fly me home- Dad gave me a credit card for emergencies and yelled at me for not putting the hospital trip on that, but come on, this is the time for me to be a poor, starving reporter... of course, he pointed out that I didn't seem to have the same issue when I was short money for coffee last week and put it on the card. But come on, a fever you can sleep off- caffeine is the Elixir of Life. Suffice it to say, I'm really starting to pay more attention to the candidates and their health care proposals.

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