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Author's Note: Hey guys! I told you every once in a while I will be popping back in to update a chapter or two. As you can clearly see, the surgery was successful last Friday! I have been taking plenty of medicine and extra rest in bed. Depending on how I feel, I will continue to write. Today I dont feel as much tired as I was before. I felt like writing a lot today. I also would like to be done with this book too so I can start on the new one. I have realized that I've spent SO MUCH time on this book than my other past lion king books. This book seems to have more chapters than the others. I think I have 2 more chapters to complete of this book then I will be done! Again, thank you all for your patience, sweet comments, and messages on my profile wall. You guys are amazing! <3 I will get well soon!!!


skyy15 <3



Dad roars loudly with anger. I take off with full speed and head straight toward the direction of the Out Lands.

"Nooooo!" Dad yells. His voice echoes across the land.

I kept running, my paws hitting the earth leaving dust behind me. Tears that were already welled up in my green eyes start to fall and roll down my furry cheeks. This may be the last time I see my family and Auni. Oh Auni...I dreamed of marrying and having children with her someday. She was the only one who was able to bring me back to my old self again. My happiness will be forever gone. It was fun while it lasted...

Just as I was about to enter the Out Lands...

"Prince stop!" a voice yelled.

I stop running to catch my breath and look over my left shoulder. Behind me is a large tree, a tree that I recognize. It is Amwa's home and she is hanging upside down on a branch.

"Do not enter. Your father is on his way with the pride to save you." she said.

"Why? I already explained to him why I have to do this Amwa. It is time that I go and face the hyenas on my own. Maybe it will end everything for once and for all. I don't want my family or friends hurt. I am the one that the hyena matriarch wants...not my pride."

"You cant Heri! Remember everything I have taught you. Think about the Great Kings!"

I furrow my brows beginning to feel frustrated. "What about the Great Kings? They cant help me in this situation. Only I can..."

Amwa did not say a word. I start my walk into the Out Lands. I sent out a loud roar signalling to the hyenas that I am here. My ear twitch to the sound of sudden laughter. I show out my claws growling as I continue walking through the empty wasteland. I scan my eyes around in case of any funny business.

"My child, you have come home!" said a familiar voice.

It's Marjani, the female hyena matriarch. She shows herself from out of the shadows. Behind her is two male hyenas who names are Dojo and Bamba. They help her do all of her evil dirty work. She walks up to me close with a wide smirk. I take a few steps back.

"So, you thinking attacking my pride and starting a fire would grab my attention huh and force me to return to the Out Lands? What do you want from me?" I ask, frowning.

Dojo looks confused. "Fire? We didnt start a fire."

Bamba also looks puzzled. "Yeah, what the hell are you talking about Sadiku?"

I snarl. "My name is Prince Heri, not Sadiku! You shall not call me that name again."

Marjani snorts. "Well you are in my lands now and we get to call you whatever we want. Now, you said a fire huh? No. We are not blamed for a crime that we clearly did not do. If you've come here to pick on us then you damn sure had came to the wrong place. You betrayed us anyways! And in return, you shall get what's coming to you now."

She circles around me showing out her claws and teeth added with a loud growl.

"LIAR! Who else could have started the fire? You've done it to get revenge on me for leaving the clan. I left after realizing that you were never my real mother and that I was a Prince from another land. A land full of good, wealth, nurturing, and better endless life. You were using me to get rid of my father so you can take over the Pride Lands allowing your clan to breed and feed as much as you want and kick the lions out. You may have fooled me once, but never again!"

"Heh, smart boy I do have to say. Well Heri now that you have finally found all the missing pieces to the puzzle, lets see if you can also fight your way out alive."

She ended her sentence with a snarl and attacked with surprise. I roar in pain as she sinks her teeth inside my right shoulder. I slung her off me. Marjani falls down hard on her back. I watch her closely as she slowly gets up. The hyena clan all gathered around us and watched the fight. They purposely did not join the battle. This fight is between Marjani and me. I took my paw and slapped her across the face leaving three permanent marks. Blood drips on the ground.

"You will pay for that!" she yelled.

Marjani pounced on me. We both fall down together and continue to fight till the death.

"Heri!" A voice cries.


Distracted, I got back up on my paws and try to look pass the hyenas in search for my mother.

"Its over Heri, your mine!" Marjani laughed evilly. She makes a final attempt to attack. I didn't notice until something had jumped over me and tackle her strongly down. I turn around and saw that it was father.

"Dad! What are you doing here?" I ask, stunned.

"To rescue you!" he said, while pinning Marjani down.

Now the war has officially started, hyenas V.S. lions. A dozen of hyenas jump on me fast as I try to fight off every last one of them. I am being scratched and bitten by many as I yell in pain.

"Get off of him!" I hear someone say.

I notice all the hyenas got off me as they were attacked by someone else. I get off the ground and see Auni. The hyenas run off afraid and defeated. Auni runs up and gives me a tight hug with tears in her eyes.

"Oh Heri, I was hoping that we all would make it to you in time. The Great Kings must have heard my prayers sparing your life!" she said.

"Thank you. You shouldn't be here though Auni."

"Of course I am here. I love you!"

At that moment we both stare deeply in each others eyes. A smile appeared on my face. She rubs her face affectionately into my dark brown mane.

 "Come on, let's go help the others. We need to reach my dad quick before things become too late. He is fighting the hyena matriarch!" I said.

She nod her head without a word. I run leading the way as we fight every hyena in our path who's guarding my dad and Marjani. Other lions and hyenas are still fighting each other.

This was not suppose to happen...

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