The Past

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I'm laying down behind Pride Rock on a flat gray rock, sunbathing underneath the morning sun. My little brother Sahel is laying next to dad on a different rock. I have no idea where mom is. My other brother Hashaan who's the same exact age as me, is probably out with his friend Auni.

I've noticed how quickly those two have gotten close as the days go by. I'm proud of my brother though. I haven't seen him this happy in a LONG time. He's still young and dating can also be a fun thing too. I just don't know how it'll work out since our family isn't staying to live in the Pride Lands. That's going to break Auni's heart. Hopefully she'll understand.

I myself made a few friends here too. I'm friends with Auni, Bahiya, Mila, Maha, and two other lionesses. Everyone at Pride Rock seems to be very welcoming with open arms. I like it! If only we could live here...

"Good morning, you three!" A voice greets.

I raise my head up and see mother coming forward. She has a very happy expression on her face. What's gotten to her?

"Hi mom! How come your so happy this morning?" I ask.

Dad stands up on the rock and nuzzles mother. "Yeah honey. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah things are okay. Why, I can't smile or something?" She asks, while nuzzling him back.

"Of course you can. I love it when you smile. You look so beautiful!"

"Oh Kopa!"

Mother giggles while father licks her pink nose. My parents are so freaking adorable! I hope to find love like theirs someday.

"Did everything go okay with miss Amwa?" Dad asks.

Mom nods. "Yes. We've had an excellent talk at her tree. I feel so much better after letting out my thoughts and expressing my feelings. I think I'm ready to tell them."

"Hey, remember this is your decision if you want to tell the kids. Not Amwa's, not mines, but yours Tani. I am here to support what ever you decide. You know that right?"

"Yes, I know dear. I think this is the right time. I feel more comfortable doing so. It's better to let it out then holding it in forever. That's what Amwa told me! I agree. It'll make things more complicated if I continue holding it in. I rather them find out the truth from me than someone else."

Father smiles. He place his paw on top of mother's. "Alright, I'm proud of you. You're growing into a very mature beautiful lioness. You've come a long way Vitani!"

Her blue eyes tear up. "I know...I have. Thank you for always being there. This was another huge step for me."

"You're welcome."

Mother walks away from father and comes over to my rock. She smiles, "Hey there, kiddo!"

I head-bud her, "Hey mom! I couldn't help but to overhear you and dad's conversation. What's going on with miss Amwa?"

"Nothing bad. I just needed some advice and guidance from her that's all. Your aunt Kiara sent me to her and told me she could be a huge help with my problems. It turns out miss Amwa is very helpful! I'm glad I went to her tree early this morning."

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