Chapter 14

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(Small apologetic authors note: sorry for the wait guys, I hope you enjoy!)

It wasn't until Ana was halfway through pouring herself some cereal that she noticed something wasn't right. She groggily stared at the bowl confused, the classic white bowl she had spent a good 10 minutes rooting through the foreign kitchen to find. She squinted at her meager breakfast in the making, plus the spoon that had taken nearly as long to find as the bowl.
Wait... Glancing up at the microwave clock across the counter, she squinted again.
It was another minute before she realized what had bugged her in the first place.
It's too quiet... especially for a house containing a hyper 5 year old.
She scanned the whole kitchen
Did I miss something important? They would have woken me up right?
She remembered that In the past few days the family had always been up around 7...
A slight panic started to form.

No, She thought determined,
They have to be somewhere, I'll just check upstairs. Maybe they slept in...
moving as fast as her tired self could go, she made her way up the stairs into the quiet hallway. Knocking softly a few times beforehand, Ana peeked into the master bedroom to find no one in sight and the bed neatly made. Checking Annabelle's room she found the same sight. Feeling nervous again she returned to her bedroom to check the driveway. Just as she turned to close the door a white piece of paper caught her eye.
Ana breathed a sigh of relief
They didn't forget about me after all!
Stopping short she scolded herself
Of course not! Why would they, stop being so paranoid.
She shook her head and gently pulled the note off the door.

Good morning! Hope you slept well, food is in the kitchen, so feel free to help yourself. I'm dropping Annabelle off at a friends house this morning plus I need to run some errands, I'll be back around noon!
P.s. Will talked to base this morning and Jazz offered to keep you company while I'm out.

See you soon!


"I sure did"
Ana whipped her head around at the voice behind her to find a stranger reading over her shoulder. An incomprehensible noise escaped her lips as she stumbled to the side.
The stranger let out a laugh "Calm down little miss" he reassured.
She recognized the voice almost immediately and frowned, "You scared me half to death Jazz"
He let out another laugh, "Sorry miss, didn't mean no harm."
Straightening herself, Ana studied the holoform. He was African American and was about average height, if not a tad shorter. He was reasonably buff with a white muscle shirt and baggy dark grey camo cargo pants along with white shoes accented in black and silver. His hair was in neat cornrows pulled back in a low pony tail about shoulder height. He had a neatly trimmed goatee and blue sunglasses mimicking his visor over his neon blue eyes and an Autobot insignia tattoo on his upper arm. The whole look screamed gangster.
"You like?" Jazz asked cocking an eyebrow.
She nodded.
"I have these too" he said motioning to his shoulders as fancy looking white headphones buzzed into existence around his neck.
Ana let out a laugh "Do they work?"
He paused for a moment then shrugged sheepishly "Ol Ratchet said anything we make sho' work normally"
"Wait, you can make anything you want?"
"Kinda, gotta program 'em in first tho."
Ana nodded and sat down on the bed and rubbed her eyes. Too much excitement this morning she thought tiredly.
A sudden weight on the bed informed her that Jazz had sat down too. "So this is yo new place"
She nodded glancing over the room again
"Bet it beats the medbay" he said with a smirk.
Ana shrugged "Yeah I guess so, at least I'm not stuck in bed for weeks"
"You guess so?"
She shrugged again "I kinda...enjoyed having Ratchet around."
There was an unconvinced "mmhm" as Jazz leaned back onto the bed, his arms crossed under his head.
"I'm serious!" She leaned back to join him. "I think we were getting along, I mean as long as you listen to what he says and don't do anything stupid..."
Jazz rolled his head to the side and gave her a broad smile, she shoved his shoulder and rolled her eyes "Sorry, forgot who I'm talking to."
Laughing, Jazz scooched away from her and rubbed his shoulder "So mean lil' lady."
She shook her head smiling. The room fell to a comfortable silence and she stared at the ceiling, she remembered how she used to stare at the small plastic glow in the dark stars she had glued to her old ceiling.
I wonder if they are- the scene of her building collapsing in front of her flashed through her mind ...right. Her good mood dissolved as she tried to chase away the sudden memory but only managed to bring up more memories, like the sound of the of the walls giving way, and the view of the door frames collapsing when she turned back to look. And the fear, the terror of being alone...and lost.
Blinking, Ana quickly wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall, why in the world had she been thinking of that stuff now? Ana turned her head to find Jazz studying her, his mirthful smile now gone.
She sat up quickly bowing her head, embarrassed, "So...uh, how- how long have you been here?"
He didn't answer for a couple moments, there was a heavy sigh as he sat up "'bout an hour"
"In the house?"
"Naw, I'm in the driveway, I was waiting fo' you to wake up befo' using th'holoform." There was a pause as Ana continued to stare at her lap
"Ana I-"
"I'm fine" she said quickly, then guiltily realized she had cut him off. "Sorry, I mean, I'm just.. getting used to everything... here, let's go downstairs, I still need to make my breakfast." She forced out a smile as she stood up.
Jazz didn't seem convinced. When he didn't move Ana shifted uneasily in the doorway, "Meet you down there?"
He nodded solemnly and his holoform fizzled out. Once again she was alone, if only for a few minutes. She felt bad, she new Jazz cared about her, she knew he wanted to help.
I just don't know what to say, it hurts to think about it too much.
She shook her head and walked down the hallway thinking of last night. She had the nightmare again, about waking up in that cold dark cell, completely alone. The nightmares were becoming more frequent, and she didn't know what to do. Ana gave a defeated sigh.
Every time I start to feel better I get dragged back to where I started. Pushing down her feelings she made her way towards the kitchen, not now, you just have to get through this.
Jazz was reading the side of the cereal box when she entered.
He cocked an eyebrow, "Marshmallows?"
Ana giggled, "I know, but it tastes pretty good, plus it's supposed to be a 'balanced breakfast'." She reached for the box and he pulled it away still giving her an incredulous look
"Balanced? What's being balanced?"

For a second she thought he was just joking, then she saw that he was genuinely confused. "Just means it's healthy" she quickly grabbed the box back and continued to pour her cereal.
"I'm no expert on yo' organics, bu' that don't look too 'balanced' ta me."
"It's probably not, but it's edible right?"

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