Chapter 7

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It was the warmth that woke Ana up; she hadn't felt truly warm in days.
Ana's eyes slowly opened and immediately squinted as she was faced with the sun glaring through the trees. Slowly she sat up; her whole body hurt from the strain put on it the night before.
Her bandages were in complete disarray, while her cast was chipping and dirty. To her relief, though, her clothes were dry, even if they were a little stiff.

Looking around she noticed she was on a pebbly beach next to a large lake, the branches of the trees surrounding the beach draped over in the sky, covering the surrounding beach in splotchy shadows. A few feet beside her lay Smokescreen still in deep recharge I hope he's ok she thought worriedly After all the attacks and the fall he went though.

Ana slowly stood up and stretched, judging that they both hadn't been captured again, she guessed the branches over hanging the beach had prevented the decepticons from seeing them from the sky. This lake has saved us more than once she realized.

Thinking of water only reminded Ana of her burning throat, and she swallowed painfully as she quickly walked down to the water. It's fresh! She discovered joyfully after an experimental sip May not be entirely clean, but at least its drinkable. Ana quickly drank her fill; the water was cold and refreshing and soothed her aching throat.

Standing back up she turned to Smokescreen, who still had yet to move. Should I wake him? The cons will no doubt be looking for us, we could be caught if we stay in one place too long. Quickly she walked over to Smokescreen, now in the sunlight she could see him a lot better. He looked roughly 25 feet, and was mostly white and grey with blue sections on his arms legs and chest with some red, and his head/helm had two slightly slanted streaks of red pointing up above each optic. What worried Ana though were the burn marks that peppered him, and his shoulder that got hit had a large torn up hole that was slowly leaking energon.

He needs medical attention badly she bit her lip with worry, looking back at the sky for any signs of decepticons, and then back at Smokescreen. Now for waking a metal alien robot more than 3 times my size... fun. She thought flatly.

After 5 minutes of calling and shoving Smokescreen had failed to wake up, Ana herself was starting to tire out and her worry was increasing. What if he doesn't wake up?
As a last resort she climbed up to his chest and moved towards his helm, she then leaned to the side of his helm where she assumed his ears (Audio Receptors?) were. "SMOKESCREEN!" Ana shouted at the top of her lungs,

Immediately Smokescreen's optics onlined and he jerked into a sitting position nearly flinging Ana off in the process.
"Aaag! He exclaimed wide opticed looking around quickly before noticing Ana, who was hanging from his shoulder for dear life. Wincing slightly he moved his arm and gently grabbed her, using his other hand to rub his audio receptor.
"Ana? What was that for?" he grumbled. "Sorry" She apologized "But you wouldn't wake up." Smokescreen looked down at her in confusion then to their surroundings as if just realizing where they were. "We have to get going before the cons find us." She said urgently. He gently set her down nodding, before slowly standing up and walking towards the lake. Ana looked up at the clear blue sky, the sun was approaching the center of the sky indicating it was still roughly morning.

Smokescreen stood at the edge of the lake "Most of my communications are down, I can pick up a few frequencies but not enough to help us." He said as Ana walked up next to him. "Do you know where we are?" She asked. He rubbed his helm "Not at the moment, those glitch heads gave me something to prevent my T-cog from working properly as well as communication and navigation." "T-cog?" Ana asked confused
"It's what allows us to transform and access our weapons." He responded "It should wear off eventually though."

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