Chapter 10

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Ratchet immediately drove through the Autobot hanger and down the hallway strait towards the med bay, with Smokescreen following closely behind. Ana noticed that Jazz was no longer in front of them
He must have stopped at the hangar
she guessed, looking around at the soldier filled hallway.

Ratchet pulled off to the side and drove through the med bay doors, opening the passenger side door for her to get out.
Carefully she stepped out of the medic's alt-mode and took a step back as he transformed. Her stomach growled making her cringe "Do you have anything to eat?" Ana asked tentatively, as she cradled her arm to her chest.
Ratchet nodded and kneeled down looking her in the eye
"When was the last time you have had anything to eat or drink?" "Earlier today." She answered looking down "It was only a couple of blackberries though."
"Have you had anything else since you were captured?" he pressed. She nodded
"I had them yesterday too." Ratchet stood back up and walked to the other side of the med bay "Stay right there." He told her
"I have some food in a storage compartment I can get you."
Ana nodded and shifted her weight uncertainly.

The sound of large pede steps sounded behind her and she turned around to see Smokescreen. "So this is the base you were talking about." He said more as a statement. "Yea" She said looking up at him "This is the med bay." He let out a small laugh
"Already figured that one out Ana." He said with a smirk, gently nudging her with his large pede. Ana gave him a sheepish smile "Sorry, I guess that would be a little obvious."
He shrugged "So what's this place for?"
"It's an alliance" Ratchet stated, walking up to them "Between Autobots and Humans." Smokescreen nodded "What's it called?"
"We call it the Non-biological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty, or NEST for short." Ratchet explained.

So that's what it stands for, Ana realized, as Ratchet kneeled down and handed her two granola bars and a water bottle.
"Don't eat it too quickly." He warned, before standing back up and turning to Smokescreen.
"I need to look at that shoulder of yours." He stated "You can wait on the berth; I need to take care of Ana first."
Smokescreen nodded and turned, walking towards one of the large metal berths, while Ratchet activated his holoform and guided Ana to a medical cot.

Tearing open one of the plain granola bars, Ana reluctantly forced herself to eat slowly, taking small sips of water in between each bite. Ratchet had her lay down on one of the cots and attached a heart monitor and IV tube to her. "I'll take those." He said taking the, now, empty wrappers from her. Turning around he threw the wrappers away and began to collect various medical supplies. Ana watched curiously and at the same time feeling nervous.

"I need to properly replace your cast" Ratchet said still turned away from her "In order for you to not feel as much pain, I'll have to sedate you." He said turning around with a needle in his hand. Ana nodded nervously, mentally cringing at the painful memory of getting the old cast taken off back by the woods.
Ratchet gently took her arm, and she looked away as he injected the medicine in. Almost immediately she began to feel drowsy. The world blurred and her eyelids got heavier and heavier as she felt herself get laid back onto the cot, and in seconds her world went dark.

**Time Skip**

Ana woke up groggily; she opened her eyes and tiredly glanced around. The med bay was extremely quiet and there wasn't even the usual faint sound of soldiers through the large door. Most the lights were off and a few dim, giving Ana just enough light to see the shadowy outline of the large room.

Glancing around once more, she noticed that Ratchet and Smokescreen were nowhere to be seen.
Ratchet's probably in his berth room she thought to herself, spotting another set of large doors in the corner of the room I wonder where Smokescreen is though she looked around, puzzled.
Ana forced herself to not worry about it, knowing full well that Smokescreen had nothing to fear from the Autobots, and was probably perfectly safe right now. She squinted, trying to make out the hands of the clock on the far wall, but it was too dim to clearly see.

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