Chapter 3

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Ana awoke with a start. Oh no! I over slept, I'm going to be late for school! She thought, then glanced around, not recognizing where she was.

She sat up, Wait, this isn't my room. She thought confused. Looking around she saw she was in a very large room. There were medical cots along the wall where she was and on the other side of the room there was a massive rack holding equally massive tools, giant computers, medical equipment, and two massive structures near the center of the room (much resembling the medical cot she was on now, only these were made completely of metal.) One of the giant metal beds held a dark figure.

Ironhide! She realized. Looking over to Ironhid's side she saw Ratchet busily working on his chest area. Something didn't feel right, she looked down to see her arm casted, and her sides neatly bandaged. The pain! She realized, My sides and arm don't hurt anymore! She stared at her sides in disbelief, How could Ratchet have patched me up so neatly, especially with how big he is? She wondered. Someone cleared their throat, making Ana look up in surprise, jumping slightly when she saw Ratchet next to her cot looking down at her.

"Good, you're awake." He stated simply.
"How are you feeling?" he asked his face unreadable. "Much better now" she responded quietly. "Thanks for patching me up, you did a really good job." Ratchet simply nodded, but she thought she saw a small smile form on his facial plates just as he turned away.
"You should get some rest; your body is still weak from all the blood you lost." He said walking back to Ironhid's sleeping form to resume working. "Ratchet" Ana called over quietly "Yes?" he turned looking back at her "What day is it? How long was I out?" she asked. Ratchet paused a moment "Its Wednesday, you have been asleep for most of the day, it's now 5:00pm." "Ok, thank you" She responded, he nodded and turned back to his work.

At least I wasn't out for days she thought. Wait, that means I met the Autobots only this morning! She realized. Ana was snapped from her thoughts as Ratchet called over impatiently. "You need to rest, you haven't fully recovered yet!" Ana lay back down and closed her eyes and tried to relax, but now that she was awake she couldn't help but feel restless, she desperately wanted to stand up and stretch.

After a few minutes she opened her eyes in defeat and stared at the ceiling, moving around in her bed trying to get comfortable.
Ana heard Ratchet vent, then he walked back over to her "If you must move, you may walk around to get your energy out." He said starting to detach the heart monitor and IV tube from her.

"But you are to stay in here, and for only a few kliks, then it is back to resting." He said sternly. Ana nodded, having absolutely no idea what he meant by a klik.

She got up, stretching gratefully, before walking quickly over to Ironhide, who had his arm draped over the side of the large bed. She walked up to his hand, which was a good 5 feet off the ground; she managed to grab hold of one of his large metal fingers, rubbing it slightly. "He should be waking up soon." Ratchet said apparently finishing what he was fixing before walking over to one of the large computers and started to type.

Ana continued to rub Ironhide's finger unconsciously as she stared off into space. Ironhid's fingers twitched slightly, pulling Ana from her thoughts. She immediately pulled her arm back, as she saw him shift, and groan, before moving to the side slightly to look down at his hand curiously. He chuckled when he saw Ana standing there. "I should have known it was you." he said smiling lightly at her.

"Sorry." Ana said softly, looking at the ground. He just chuckled again before reaching down with his palm up. She hesitated for a second before climbing onto his hand, and he carefully lifted it up the edge of the bed. She jumped off, ignoring the look Ratchet gave her, and climbed up to his chest, being careful of her cast.
"Are you all right sweetspark?" he asked softly, eyeing her cast. She nodded as he cupped his hand behind her while he sat up so she wouldn't fall.

A Lost Spark         (Transformer fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora