Chapter 2

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The building shook, debris litters the cracked streets. Ana looked back to see the building collapsing , her parents still inside. "No!" She yelled running towards the building, but she was too late. Dust billowed out as rubble crashed into the pavement, the building completely collapsed. Ana froze, staring at the ruins in disbelief. In the back of her mind she felt something wasn't right.

Before she could finish the thought a large metal hand grabbed her from behind, making her shriek. "You thought you could get away that easy, pathetic fleshly!" Ana stared wide-eyed as she was turned around face to face with the silver robot. "This time there is no one to save you." He grinned evilly. His horrible laughter ringing in her ears as the city slowly faded to a vile red.
Ana jerked awake, breathing heavily. Looking around she breathed a sigh of relief, It was just a bad dream, then thought glumly, Though, reality doesn't seem much better. The sun was just on the horizon, showing she had slept though the night, and the clock on the dashboard showed it was 6:30 am.
"Ana are you alright?" Ironhide's worried voice came from the radio, making her jump a little. "You were talking and thrashing while you were recharging." " was just a nightmare." She responded softly looking down at her lap.

Ana held back a squeak when she saw it was covered in dry blood. With her good arm she carefully lifted up the side of her tatters shirt. Long scratch marks extended down her sides, the blood had stopped but the wounds ached horribly, and if not treated soon, would become infected.

Her left arm wasn't much better, dark bruises and scratches showed around her elbow and the outside of her forearm where she had landed on it. She guessed it was badly sprained from the pain that radiated from it. "Your hurt, we need to get you to Ratchet immediately." Ironhide observed sounding worried. "Ratchet?" She asked confused. "He's our medic." He replied. "Oh" she paused as a new question came to her. "Who was that silver robot?" She asked quietly. Ironhide vented, she guessed it was like sighing to him. "That was Starscream, he's the second in command to the Decepticons." He answered. "Who-" She started to ask before he cut in. "The Decepticons are a group that wants to destroy and enslave us and your planet, I'm apart of a group called the Autobots, or autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron. We have been at war with them for mellenias, and our home world was destroyed in the fight." She nodded. "But wh-" she was cut off again this time by a new voice.

::Optimus to Ironhide::

a deep voice sounded from the radio making Ana jump, and her wounds ache from the sudden movement.

::Ironhide to Optimus:: I hear you loud and clear:: Ironhide replied.

<Optimus>::Status report::

<Ironhide>::I'm close to base and got an injured human femme with me::

There was a pause.

<Optimus>::What's her status?::
The voice asked sounding concerned .

<Ironhide>::She is conscious, but needs medical attention badly::

There was a longer pause this time, and Ana leaned back in the seat, not sure if it was alright to speak or not.

<Optimus>::I just contacted Ratchet, I'll see you at base, Optimus out::

There was silence for another few minutes before Ana decided it was ok to speak again.

"Who's Optimus?" Ironhide vented again, most likely from all her questions. "He's our leader, you will meet him soon enough, we're almost at base." She nodded, turning to look at all the scenery rushing by, trying to distract herself from the pain shooting up her sides. How fast are we going? She wondered as the scenery rushed by as a blur, the trees slowly fading into a desert landscape. The sun was now slightly above the horizon. It was only a few minutes before Ironhide started slowing down, a gate with soldiers appearing in front of them.

A Lost Spark         (Transformer fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz