Cripple: Chapter Six (Pic of Amber)

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Elizabeth woke up earlier then usual the next morning. She scooted to the to edge of the bed swung her legs over the side, made sure her wheelchair was right beside the bed and transferred into it. She went to her closet next and began looking through the low hanging racks her dad had built so she could reach her clothes. She chose a pair of slim bootcut jeans and a short sleeve pink flannel shirt and her ankle length cowboy boots. That decided, she stuffed two pairs of running shorts and two old t-shirts along with sneakers into a small sports bag, one set of clothes for gym and one set for PT later. She almost forgot to add her Grayson County Public Library shirt for work. After checking to make sure she had extra deodorant and strawberry body spray in the bag, she grabbed her leg braces from the end of the bed and her clothes and went to get dressed.

She had just finished French braiding her hair when her text tone went off. She picked it up and hit "Read". It was Jesse.

Good Morning Bethie. Are you ready to go?

She text back. I'm still getting ready but you can come on over.

She hit "send" and two seconds later she heard "Jesse's Girl" start playing. She curiously opened her door to see Jesse standing there with his phone in his hand and Sky behind him.

"Good because I'm already here.", he smiled as he put his phone in his back jean pocket.

Sky peeked out from behind one of Jesse's legs. "We tricked you Sissy!", he said laughing.

Elizabeth bent down and lifted him in her lap and tickled his tummy. "You sure did, you sneaky boy." Sky giggled and wiggled down from Elizabeth. He stood next to Jesse. "Jesse said I can go to his foot ball practice. Just me and him."

Jesse bent down to Sky's level and said, " Thats right little man. We are going to have a guys day out"., he tapped his fist with Sky's tiny one and smiled, "now go get changed and washed up. Ya can't go to practice in Cars pajamas with pancake and syrup on your face and your mom is waiting to take you to daycare."

"Okay Jesse!", he said excitedly. He gave Elizabeth a big hug "I love ya Sissy." Elizabeth wrapped her arms around him " Love you too Sky."

Skyler pulled way from Elizabeth and looked at Jesse and said seriously, " You better not break my Sissy's heart.

Jesse stood and smiled at Sky as he stood at the door and waited for Elizabeth to roll through in her wheelchair. He gently shut the door behind her as they headed out to his truck. Elizabeth got herself over in his truck as he loaded her wheelchair up. He came around to buckle her seat belt and gave her a kiss on the cheek.. He then got in the drivers seat of the truck and they rode off to school.


Once at school Jesse got out and unloaded Beth's wheel chair, he held her wheel chair in place while she got into it. As she wheeled herself inside he walked closely by her side carrying her bag for her. Once at the door she pushed the handicapped button on the wall to open the doors and then they went through. As she rolled through the hallway by the lockers she felt the other students looking and heard them talking but couldn't understand what they were saying.

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