Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty


Troye looked over at me with the same sad, guilty eyes he has been giving me for the past twenty minutes. I sighed and turned to look out the window, flashes of green trees flying by my eyes.

Troye and I were in the backseat of a Western Wolf Hills car that was headed back to the pack house. Zack, Cody, Colette, Damien, and Sam were driving in the other car and we were the overflow, so we had to call someone to pick us up. I was too weak to run in my wolf form all the way back.

My ears prickled at the sound of the crinkling leather of the car seats. I glanced over at Troye who I noticed had gotten significantly closer to me. When we got into the car he had managed to situate himself as far from me as possible, but now he was only a couple inches away, staring up at me with the puppy dog eyes I couldn’t resist.

I looked away; knowing if I kept my eyes on him any longer my lips would be on his again.

I felt a soft pressure on my leg and I looked down to see Troye’s delicate hand resting there. I looked back down at him with a “really?” expression on my face. He sighed and dropped his gaze down to his lap, but I noticed he didn’t move his hand from my thigh.

My throat tightened. I hated playing the mean guy, but I needed to send Troye a message. He needed to know I wasn’t kidding when I said I loved him. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not going to go running off into the sunset with Colette either. Hell naw that bitch is insane. I think I’m just going to tell her to fuck off. I don’t need a mate, all I need is Troye and I’m going to make him believe that one way or another. And if I have to show him by acting this way, so be it.

Light shone through my window, illuminating the backseat. I breathed in the fresh forest air that had entered through the driver’s window. We were approaching home. Troye shivered next to me, the cool air too much for his thin body. Without thinking, I instantly pulled him closer to me, his shoulder pressing into my chest.

Troye immediately curled himself into me, his hand on my chest and his head lying in the crook of my neck. He shivered again. I sighed-- my efforts to distance myself from him were temporarily absent.

He began to chance his luck by rubbing his hand across my chest slowly. He trailed his fingers along the hem of my shirt and made his way down to wear my nipple was. He obviously was fishing for a reaction from me, which—of course—he got.

My breath hitched in my throat as he continued rubbing it. I felt my groin begin to swell as Troye’s lips formed delicate kisses on my earlobe. I could feel a sexually induced groan coming on, but that was not what I needed right now. I was supposed to remain strong and independent until Troye realized the error of his ways and apologized for insinuating that I didn’t love him, that I was some sort of polyigamus douche bag. He was trying to distract me from my mission and frankly, it was working.

For some reason I just couldn’t help myself around Troye. Recently it has gotten a lot worse. Every time I would see him in the hallways or at the dinner table I would always feel some pull towards him, but this past week every time we made eye contact I instantly had an overwhelming desire to throw him on our bed and make love to him for hours. So it was more than challenging to put a stop to his advances.

Troye’s tongue had now found my neck and my sharp intake of air had only encouraged him further. My body ached to pull him off me and slam him down on the cracked leather seats to show him who’s boss, but I remained paralyzed in my seat as Troye continued his assault.

I felt my eyes flutter closed and my mouth part in pure bliss as Troye’s other hand found my rapidly growing crotch. He had barely even placed his hand over my jeans and I already wanted to explode in ectasy. Wow Dallas, you’re like a 12 year-old boy who’s watching porn for the first time.

The Alpha's Instinct (Boyxboy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz