Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Battle at Eastern

Part Three


“God why haven’t they come back yet?” I muttered, more to myself than to anyone else, but Sam looked over at me and I noticed he clearly shared the same worry.

It was about an hour after Colette had run to find Troye. Sam and I were at Western, monitoring the hunt for the escaped rogue. We both were anxious and jumpy, eager for news about anything. But news never came.

I slumped down into my desk chair defeated, but as soon as my butt touched the cool leather I was hit with an unexplainable feeling inside my head. I felt as if a wrecking ball was swinging at the walls of my mind, its only goal to destroy. I groaned as my whole head vibrated, the sensation completely unworldly. But without warning the feeling stopped. I felt calm and warm. Words began to flood into my mind. I closed my eyes, basking in the soothing voice I instantly recognized as Troye’s:


Dallas. It’s Troye. I don’t know if you can hear this right now, but if you can I need you to listen up. I am at the Eastern Pack house. There are some guys here who are planning to kill you and Sam. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES come here without back up. That’s what they want. Bring every single scout you have. Take them down Dallas. They have Colette here too. We are okay. Just get these guys please. And be safe. I love you.

My hand instinctively shot out and grabbed Sam’s shoulder for support. After hearing Troye’s news, I felt as if I were going to fall over even though I was already seated. They had Troye. That’s all I could comprehend. They had him. They took him.

Possible scenarios coursed through my mind. He could be tied up, he could have been tortured, he could have been raped or bitten or worse. My mind was racing faster than I even thought possible. What should I do? Who should I tell? How can I save him without getting killed? Or worse—getting him killed.

“Dallas?! Speak to me! What is wrong?” Sam’s alarmed voice sounded distant even though he was standing directly next to me. I guess he had been calling my name for a while, but I just couldn’t hear him over the roaring in my head. He started shaking me, but I put up a hand, signaling for him to calm down. He stopped and left his gaze on my face, waiting for orders.

I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes. Order. I need order. First things first, tell Sam what is going on. Then tell Zack and his team. Then figure out a plan. Enact the plan. Get Troye. Save Troye.

“They’re being held hostage at Eastern. He says that his captors want to kill you and me and he doesn’t know why. They plan to lure us in, panicked and alone. We need backup. All the scouts and divisions in case of any emergencies. We have to be prepared and get him out of there as soon as we possibly can.”

Sam didn’t speak. He had been staring intently at me while I spoke, looking directly ahead. I was afraid that if I made eye contact with him, he would see the complete and utter terror behind my eyes, and I did not need that. Right now I needed to be an Alpha, not a weepy boyfriend.

“I… I don’t understand how you know,” Sam said uneasily. I forgot he wasn’t here for the events of this morning.

“Apparently I can read Troye’s mind now,” I replied in a dry tone. Sam’s confusion grew.

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