"Juliet my daughter got kidnapped and they might have bugged my phone so I don't want to hear about it." I snapped at her.

She looked worried for the first time ever. But then nodded her head and left me alone to call.

Rachel's POV

I've been violated again. He left and my whole body was in so much pain. I couldn't even move. I broke down. It was my fault this was happing. If I wasn't such a fuck up to my original parent I wouldn't have even met him.

I stopped crying when I heard the door open. I moved quickly to the corner and saw her

Back in time

There she was eating my dads face off. I went to my bunk and packed then left

Back from time

"Looks like the little slut is shaking again. " she said kicking me. I couldn't do anything I was chained up. My hand cuffed to the wall. My feet were the only thing free.

She hit me and kicked me till I couldn't see straight. The she kicked my ribs one more time and I heard a crack. She did to because she stopped. I started screaming and sobbing when he came back in.

"What the hell is going on in here. Brit you were only spost to yell at her!" He then slapped Brittany across her face and she fell to the floor.

She flipped him off then went out of the room I was caged to.

"Ok so I have some people I want you to meet. This is Sam you might remember him. Oh ya and you remember dad don't you?" Then my adoptive father came in. He smiled at me with a sinister grin then walked to me.

"HANDS UP THIS IS THE POLICE" we heard them from a distance.

"Shit. I told you to keep an eye on all of them. " he said then slapped my adoptive father again.

I didn't know what came over me but I started screaming and this time it was high. Then the police  rammed the door down.

Then there was a face.

That face.

"DADDY" I screamed then Andy came by me and hugged me. I thanked the Lord I was still here and Andy was here.

I looked behind dads shoulder and saw them cuff all 3 of them then leave. Andy picked me up and it wasn't awkward because I was clothed. But I never felt so safe in my life then right now. I was shaking and sobbing but I never felt so safe.

"Sir can you put the girl down. We need to ask her some questions." A police women said with a clip board in her hand.

Andy put me down and I walked over to the women.

"Hello my name is officer Carrie and I just need to ask you a few questions then you may leave." I nodded the she started.

"Did mister west hurt you at any point in the kid napping?"

"Yes. He broke my ribs or fractured them. And H-he raped me." I said fighting the tears away.

"Ok is that all that happened?"

"He cut me. I think that's all."

"Ok if you remember anything else just call this number." She said handing me a card. Then she left. And I went back to Andy.

We went home in silence then we were home.

"I love you" I said then went inside.

I went to my room, ignoring the boys, and got in the shower. I sat I'm there the water ice cold. And cried. I cried about every thing I could think about. I cried about what just happened I cried about thinking of taking my own life. I cried and cried. Then I though about something. I could be pregnant. I got out of the shower and got dressed. I walked past all of them again and walked to the family dollar. I got the test and went to the bathroom. I waited for the ten minutes then looked.


But still it might be to early. So I took a few more played then left. When I was home I walked up stairs put it away and went to the living room. I hugged Andy and never let go. We watched Batman and I was soon swarmed by the rest of them. I felt so safe but I didn't want to talk. For a long time.

Never again

Word count 1337

In so sorry this chapter was so long and depressing.

I love you all


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