Chapter 20

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Cole was holding me in his arms and I just kept crying.

"Shel. Shh! It's ok. I'm right here." He cooed and stroked my hair.

"Here, sit down." He helped me sit down, still holding me. We sat on the curb.

"What happened?" I came out from his embrace and looked up at him.

"W-well, I-I walked in an-and I-I saw him shirtless o-on the couch. A-and sh-she was on hi-his lap, and he was ab-about take her shirt o-off." I cried into his shoulder.

"And then you walked in." He said.

"Y-yes." I said wiping my eyes.

"Aw. I wish I had a tissue! I feel bad." He's so sweet.

"Here, let's go back to my house." He took my rip stick into my garage. He put his skateboard in his hand, and with his other, he took my hand.

"You ready?" he said shaking my hand in his grip. I was still looking at the house, unable to move.

"Michelle, the more you stare at the house, you're going to feel worse. So, just come with me. We can talk, and try to get through this, and maybe we could get your mind off it." He smiled trying to cheer me up.

"O-ok." I sniffled. We started walking down the street.

"Michelle! Michelle wait!" I heard Selena scream. I turned around and saw her buttoning her shirt while running (smh) and Justin chasing after her putting his hat on.

"Selena, leave me alone!" I yelled back. She kept running, and I heard Justin.

"Selena, give it up." He said.

"No! She's my sister and I just horrified her!" She screamed. She turned back to Cole and I, tears streaming down her beautiful face.

"Michelle." She said faintly. Crying. I wanted to run to her and hug her. But Justin did. He knelt by her.

"Michelle." Cole said besides me. I turned to him.

"You know I'm not trying to take you away from her right now."

"I know."

"But, if you want to go talk to her, I think we should. It's up to you though."

"Let's go." We walked towards them, Selena got up and ran to me.

"Michelle!" She said trying to throw her arms around me. I stopped her.

"Selena. Honestly." I was at lost for words.

"Michelle. I'm sorry."

"Holy crap! I walked in on you and your "boyfriend" (I used air quotes) almost doing it! You guys could've and it scared me."

"Michelle." She said reaching for me, but Justin held her back, what the hell?

"Justin, you're not in this, back off." I glared at him.

"Woah. Come yourself, Michelle." He snickered. Jerk.

"Whatever." I turned back to Selena.

"She's right, Justin. Look, Cole is standing behind her, but he's letting her do what she wants." Selena explained getting out of his grip.

"Selena! Who are you picking? What the hell! Your sister or me?" He looked at her and Selena looked pissed.

He leaned into her ear, but we heard him.

"We were having fun, babe." He smirked and put his hand on her butt.

"Get your hands off my sister." I said through gritted teeth. I was pissed now.

"Wow Michelle. Calm down, would you? Were 19 and 18 year olds, we can do what we want."

"You sure don't act it." I said looking him up and down disgustedly.

He backed away from Selena with his hands in surrender and let us do what we had to.

"Michelle, I feel horrible that this happened."

"Well, I don't need your stupid apology. You should know not too! I texted you when I was coming home, and you said "ok be careful" back to me. You knew, and you did that." I said crying again. New tears following the stream my old tears made on my cheeks.

"I know." She looked down.

"I'm done." I said, and I turned around and grabbed Cole's hand. But I fell into his arms because I was crying so hard. I turned around to see Justin in his car driving away, and Selena crying in the road watching me.

"I feel so bad." I cried.

"I know, but you did what you wanted. I'm proud that you did. Here." He said putting his jacket over me.

"Thanks." I muttered. He nodded and held me closer.

I turned around again and saw her crying harder than before because Justin left, and so did I. I fell to the ground and cried.

"I love you."


I fell to the ground and cried as she walked away. Justin pulled out of the drive way and didn't even say anything, and drove away. Justin left, and so did Mush.

"I love you."



I don't want to portray Justin this way, and please don't be mad at me for doing that. It's just for this "scene" that he's acting that way.

I'm actually upset with myself for doing this. I want to but I cried so there you go.

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