Chapter 42

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We walked into the mall and looked around.

"Can I get a pretzel?" Shel asks.

I nod and she walks to the stand. She turns around in line and looks at me.

'Do you want one?' she mouths. I nod again and she turns around.

"Here." She says handing it to me.

"Thanks." I smile and she nods. We walk through out the mall looking at the passing people.

I hold my hand out for her and she takes it and we walk into Forever 21. (a/n: twenni one)

"Look at this!" She says pulling a shirt up.

"Can i get this?" It was a laced crop top that looked like a bra. Oh hell no. (a/n: ohh hell naww)

I look at it and gave her an 'are-you-crazy' face.

"Why not , Selena?" She whispers walking closer to me so no one hears my name. She still has it in her hand. She shows me again.

"Im not allowing my baby sister to dress like a prostitute." I take it and put it on a random rack. I take her hand again and we walk out of the store.

"Is that Selena Gomez and her sister?!" I hear someone whisper next to us. Shit.

"It is! Hey Everyone its Selena Gomez!"

"Come on, we're going." She whispers in my ear. I quickly nod and she tightens her grip on my hand and she practically starts sprinting.

I almost fell flat on my face if I didn't start running. We ran through the mall; her in front pushing people out of the way, with me behind her. We got stares from people, but since we were running, no one could see it was us.


We reached an escalator.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" I mumbled under my breath. I turned to face Selena.

"We need to get out of here quickly and the only way is going down this. Now, I need you to run down. Yes, there are people on here, but if you don't want to get jumped on by like 20 girls, I suggest you start running. Be careful." I say. She looks back and turns back to me. She nods and I move out of the way. She starts to run.

I look back and the girls aren't there yet. I run into the Pacsun right there. I grabbed a beanie and bought it. I put it on with my shades.

The girls get to the escalator. They look around frantically.

"You guys looking for Selena Gomez?" I ask in a raspy voice. I kept my head down.

"Yes!!!!" They all scream.

"She went that way." I point the way they came. They just nod and run. I look back at the escalator. She is half way down and more people are on it. There is no way Ill catch up to her.

I stand there thinking. I get on and get as far as I can before there is no more room. I turn my head to the right and get an idea.

I hop up onto the railing of the escalator and slide down. People were screaming at me to get down and to be careful, others laughing and guys whistling.

I hope off right at the exit of it and I spot Selena waiting for me. I run up to her and grab her and hug her. She hugs me back.

"I didn't see you! How'd you get down?" She asks looking at me.

I took my phone out and clicked Instagram.

I posted a selfie of me on the railing with the caption:

'Found a new way to ride an escalator'

She grabs my phone and looks at it again. She starts to laugh hysterically.

"Oh my gosh! That's so funny. Were you careful? Did you get hurt?" She asks but I shake my head no.

"Look its Selena!" One of the girls from the pack yells. I grab her hand and look at her.

"Time to go!" I say and we run for the exit.

"Move! Pardon me! Excuse me!" I yell at everyone in front of us. I turn and look at Selena smiling and laughing. I smile at her and turn around.

We finally reach the doors that go to the part of the parking lot with our car. I let go of her hand and push the doors open and run to the next one. She runs through them and we get to the parking lot.

I bend over with my hands on my knees and Selena is holding her stomach.

"C'mon, lets go home." Sel says grabbing my hand. But this time, we aren't running.


did you like my Author Notes along the way? i need to stop watching vine...

school starts next week. im excited but not to excited for the school work.


her username is ROSAGOMEZBIEBER

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