Chapter 2

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I walked into the gym and met with my team. We joked around and then someone walked into the gym, Selena.

S:hi. uh, sorry to interrupt but Michelle you left your water in the car. She walked over to me and everyone stared at her.

M: thank you. I glared at her and said through gritted teeth. I could tell it was awkward.

S: here. She said trying to lift up spirits.

Girl: OMG SELENA GOMEZ!!! A girl from my team, Anna, screamed.

S: yeah hi! it's nice to meet you all. she smiled her beautiful white smile.


S: haha sure, anyone got a pen?

J: I do! A girl named Jamie said and handed Sel the pen. She signed all of them and took a picture with them too.

S: ok I'm sorry to interrupt! I better be going now, um I'll pick you up at 8. I love you. she gave me one of her warm hugs. She walked out and all eyes were on me.

A: dude you're so lucky to have the Selena Gomez as your sister. I blushed.

M: yah I know, it's crazy, she's awesome.

J: hell yeah she is!

M: haha whatever let's not talk about her. Haha better watch where you're going! I said juking out a girl as I scored. I changed the subject because I don't like "gushing" over her.



I woke up to hear Shel in the kitchen, singing a song. she's good, really good. I got dressed and walked downstairs and saw her writing something down.

S: hmhm! i "cleared" my throat. she looked up at me and hid what she wrote down.

S: whatcha got there? I asked hopping up on the counter.

M: nothin... she trailed off.

S: uh huh. so whatcha doin?

M: nothin...

S: uh huh. so whatcha wan-

M: CAN YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE? She said hopping off the chair and sprinting up the stairs. what the hell was that? She came back after about 5 minutes. her eyes looked puffy, she won't answer if I ask, so I wont.

S: i need to go to the set if you wanna come. I said grabbing my purse. she nodded and proceeded to the car. It was a silent car ride. we arrived 20 minutes later. we walked in and were greated by everyone. Jake came up to...Shel.

J: hey. he looked shy, that's new.

M: hi. She blushed.


M:hi. I blushed.

J: how are you? he asked me

M: fine and you?

J: I'm good.. hey wanna have that tour of the sets now? he said eagerly. I nodded and we ran off.

M: no way the lair! I said so happily and I saw him smile.

J: Shel? I looked at him and he kept on going.

J: I like this girl. I nodded.

J: and I don't know what to do.

M: well if you like her, and if she likes you, I say go and ask her out. I shrugged like it was nothing. I don't know if I have feelings for him or not. he's two years older than me, but age doesn't matter if you're in love and besides he probably likes someone else and I shouldn't be feeling this way anyway.

J: ok thanks Shelly! he hugged me and dialed her number and ran off leaving me in the lair. Selena came in and saw me.

S: I know this place is awesome right! I nodded and walked past her.

S: Shelly tell me now. she said once we got home.

M: I think I have a crush on Jake... I blushed feeling stings in my eyes feeling tears swell up.

S: awe! ok. Ok. so what happened! She asked so excited.

M: he asked me about it, I said if you both like each other then ask her out. he thanked me, gave me a hug, (I smiled when I said the hug part) and then ran out of the lair with the phone up to his ear. she looked at me with disbelief.

S: oh my god. That's horrible! and you know I wouldn't want you to date and neither would mom and brian. I nodded and sighed.

M: I really like him. I started to cry.she hugged me. her hugs are so full of warmth. she pulled me back and wiped away my tears.

S: don't worry about it. if he goes out with a girl, it's his loss because you're one smart, talented, beautiful girl I know, she smiled then continued, and any gut would be lucky to be with you. I hugged her.

M: thanks sel. I cried into her shoulder.

S: no problem sis. she smiled and we snuggled on the couch and watched a movie.


So whattya guys think? will Michelle and Jake be together in the future? don't forget this is 2009 so there will still be chance for them in the future.


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