Chapter 10

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I leaned in and hugged her. She smells nice, not trying to be weird or anything. She's beautiful and I think waiting a year or so is smart, I mean for her own good.

I care about her too much to go out with her young, then break her fragile heart. She pulled away from me.

"Um. It's getting late, I better get going." I spoke.

"Um sure I'll see you, when I see you."

I hugged her again and took a deep breathe. I kissed her cheek.

"Happy Birthday, Michelle." I smiled and walked outside. I got on my board and ride home.



I woke up to, bacon? I walked downstairs to here Michelle singing "Classic" by MKTO.

"Livin in a world gon' plastic, baby you're so classic!" She sang while she finished preparing breakfast.

"Good morning!" She smiled up at me, she seems happy!

"Good morning." I answered as she hugged me.

"I made you and I breakfast." she said.

"Look, Shelly, I know you don't like the idea of me being with Justin." she just looked down obviously disappointed.

"And I value your opinion the most, but I'm in love with him."



"If you're "in love him" then why would you ask for my damn opinion? Huh? Selena, you know I don't like him at all, but yet you don't give a shit about my opinion!"

"It's my life, Michelle!"

"They why would you ever ask for my opinion? When you first started dating him I said 'I don't think he's good for you' but you didn't listen! You ask for my opinion all the time, all the time! But now that I see here that my opinion goes without being noticed, how many times have you tossed my opinions in the trash? Huh? I depend on your opinion the most. I go to you not mom or dad, you! You." I screamed out. I whispered the last part because I was crying to

I ran upstairs and slammed my door.

Selena knocked lightly, she walked in and sat on the bed but I moved over to my chair where my guitar is. She sighed and looked at me.



"I don't like him. He doesn't treat you like someone like you should be treated." She growled.

"Michelle, I understand you're taking this hard but I'm in a relationship and when you're in a relationship you'll know how hard it is to value others' opinions."

"I know. I'm sorry, Selena."

"It's ok, wanna go get frozen yogurt?"

"Yes!" I laughed and stood up. I extended my arm and she gladly took my hand.



We pulled up and got out. Selena and I got the same thing: vanilla with strawberries and whipped cream! Yum!

"Hi, are you Selena Gomez?"

"Yes! It's nice to meet you, sweetie what's your name?"

"My name is-is Jenna. I'm sorry I'm really nervous!" She almost started crying.

"Awe! Sweetheart it's ok don't cry! Here." I pulled her into a hug and she hugged back. I heard a camera flash and saw a writer for Tiger Beat. I heard her mutter something:

"The Sweet Side Of Selena Gomez." she said as she wrote it in her journal she smiled at me and I smiled back.


I'm sorry that I have the same ideas as before but I'm elaborating more on Michelle's childhood growing up with Selena. Hope you guys like it like this, thanks for being there!

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