Chapter 53

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*not edited*
I sighed looking at the message on my screen. I quickly replied.

There's nothing to talk about, you lied to me and screwed me over.

I clicked 'Do Not Disturb' and slowly drifted off to sleep.
I woke up to my phone ringing.

"SHELL!" I heard from the other line.

"Carolyn?" I asked groggily into the phone.

"Michelle Gomez I have been trying to reach you for hours!" She yelled and I looked at the clock. It's 1 in the afternoon. Shit.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry! I didn't realize the time, I slept in!"

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock."

"Sorry, what do you need?"

It was silent until I heard her sobs.

"Carolyn, what happened!" I growled.

"C-Cole broke up with me!" She said crying hard.

"Shh, come over right now, I'll be waiting outside. I'll text you my new address." I heard her sniffle before she agreed and I ended the call.

I quickly put on my shorts and Blink- 182 shirt off the ground and ran to the stairs.

"Shit." I muttered as I missed a step but managed to make it to the ground safely.

"Language, young lady." Selena said as she looked up at me at the counter.

"Sorry, Miss Gomez." I said sticking my tongue out at her.

"How cute are you!" She said sarcastically.

"Very cute, tbh." I said grabbing a banana from the bowl on the counter.

"Don't spell at me, you know how I feel about that."

"Omg I'm sorry I totally forgot!" I said slapping my hands to my cheeks and gasping.

She rolled her eyes before saying, "Michelle, seriously. You only act like this when something's up, tell me." She begged walking up to me.

"Fine, Cole broke up with Carolyn and she's upset so I invited her over and since I basically broke up with Jake, we're going to talk about our now ex's." She says all in one breath.

"Hm. Can I hang too?" She pleads.

"Wait are you serious?" She stares at me.

"You want to hang with two 15 year olds?" She nods and pouts.

"Wow. Yes, sure you can hang too." I giggle and she smiles at me.

"Ok, im going to wait for her outside." I say walking towards my flip flops that are thrown on the floor.

"Want me to wait with you?" Selena asked, smiling hopefully.

"Of course, let's go she's gonna be here soon." She nodded and followed me out the door.

"How are you feeling, by the way?" She asked sitting down on the curb with her hand over her eyes shielding from the sun as she looked up at me.

"I'm feeling better, actually. I haven't cried over him in a few days, but I think I still love him." I say sitting next to her.

"Think?"She cocked an eyebrow at me.

"I don't want to believe my heart when I know he isn't good for me and I don't want to listen to my heart right now."

"Now you know how I feel with Justin." She says before adding, "Hi Carolyn!" and getting up to hug her.

I took a minute to think about what se said.

"Hi, Selena." I heard her say back before pulling away to greet me.

"Hey, Car." I said pulling her into a hug and she broke in my arms.

"Let's go inside, ok?" She nodded and we walked inside, Selena hugging her from the side to comfort her, and it worked. Carolyn stopped crying and was smiling.

"Whats going on, Carolyn?" She asked sitting next to her looking at her gently.

"He broke up with me."


"Over text."

"Douche." I spat and Selena gave me a look and I mouthed 'sorry.'

"Im sorry, sweetie." Selena said rubbing her back and Carolyn just nodded and started to cry again.

"We're not dwelling on ex's." I stood before saying, "we're going to laugh out asses off and forget about them because they hurt us and we're better than that!" I said and Selena just smiled looking at me.

"Let's do it." Carolyn said smiling a bright smile, one I was hoping to see from her.

"Put on a movie, Sel." I said sitting on the couch, Carolyn sitting on the floor infront of me and Selena standing.

"Mean Girls?"

"BRING IT." I yelled and Carolyn laughed at my stupidity and Selena giggled as well.

She clicked it and it began to play and Selena got on the couch next to me cuddling into me claiming she needs 'body warmth' when it's like nearly 90 degrees out.

Selena and Carolyn were laughing, and I was when i wasn't looking at my phone. Jake kept sending me messages and that's when I heard a an angry sigh from behind me.

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