Ch .5

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Chapter 5: The dream wedding

It was time, she knew, only in a few minutes she would become Gaara's wife. Everyone seemed happy with this union, almost as if they had always been waiting for him and although Matsuri knew very well that it was not something real, she was extremely nervous, after all she was getting married, and with the man of her life.

"Oh God ... I feel so nervous  " She said while looking in the mirror. She was wearing her white dress (it would be a Western style wedding), which was long until she completely covered her legs, with a very soft fabric. She had flowers embroidered all over her skirt, which looked drawn, while the top was very tight and sleeveless, only had a thin ribbon that was tied behind the neck, therefore the neckline was quite pronounced, but only let see what Fair and necessary. Her hair was taken away, leaving two loose strands on her fringe and she wore a soft makeup over her eyes. It looked really beautiful.

At that moment Temari entered to talk to her before the wedding, for which there was only half an hour left. They were going to make it in the huge garden of the Sabaku No mansion, since Gaara had insisted that he wanted her in that place and no other.

"Matsuri, you look beautiful " her friend said with a small smile . "Do not be nervous, okay? Everything will be fine."

"Yes, but I can not help it ... Temari this is my dream, you more than anyone know how much I love Gaara, that I would give up my life to see him happy ... for me to marry him is something wonderful ... "Temari hugged her to do to calm down, because it was quite obvious that that was going to be very difficult, because Matsuri already seemed on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"I know you're excited, I understand you because when I married Shikamaru the same thing happened to me, but you should calm down and smile."

"I know " Matsuri said separating from her. In that they knocked on the door and Hinata next to Sari entered the room, the last one bringing her daughter in her arms.

"Matsuri,  you lookbeautiful "Said Sari with a smile. Hinata also smiled and nodded, while the little Miki - who had already been released by her mother - approached her aunt Matsuri.

" Aunty Masuli looks very pretty " She said smiling. Matsuri thanked her with another smile and looked at her two friends.

"And well, what happened so that they come like this? "She asked something doubtful. In that she saw Sari approaching him with some things and very smiling.

"Hinata and I bring you this because if you're going to get married you have to comply with the rules "The brunette said to her, while she took from her hand a beautiful bracelet with precious stones embedded in it, so it looked really expensive. She took Matsuri's hand and put it on. "You must use something borrowed to attract happiness."

"Yes, and also something old "Hinata told her, who handed her a small box. Matsuri opened it and noticed a pair of small gold earrings, which she had kept in her parents' house and had been given by her grandmother as a last gift before dying. "Your mom told me to bring them, so you'll have continuity." Hinata says

"Something new for hope " Temari said smiling and pointing to her wedding dress, completely new.

Matsuri looked at them all and felt like crying, because she could not believe how cute her friends were, doing all this for her.

"Thank you girls ... "She whispered trying to contain the tears, because if she cried she would ruin her makeup and did not want to be a scoundrel in front of Gaara.

"Hey, but do not cry, in addition there is still something missing - Said Sari. Hinata hit the palm of her hand with the other hand made a fist and Temari put herself in thoughtful pose.

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