Chapter 2: An inevitable clause

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Chapter 2: An inevitable clause

... A/N (Snowstorm jinx) Oh I forget to mention will have lemons so ya now ....... I'll give ya heads up when that happens .

Garra is such a boy hoe

Chapter 1: An inevitable clause.
Garra's POV

"And so I designate my last will ... " He said finished reading the lawyer of the Sabaku No family; Baki.

All those who kept their attention in that reading were almost stunned, except for a young man who was totally furious.

His hair red as fire fell on his angry face. His aquamarine eyes made clear the expression of hatred in them. His fists clenched tightly trying to repress that emotion that at that moment completely flooding his being. And it was that I wanted to kill someone.

After the lawyer finished reading the will of one of the richest and most important men in the country, they all left the room.

A blond woman with blue eyes came out holding hands with a dark-haired, carefree man, who had his hair pulled back in a ponytail. After them came a tall man, with brown hair and eyes, next to a woman with long brown hair, who was carrying a girl of about three years in his arms. Finally came the redhead, who looked totally furious yet.

-"Easy Gaara - He spoke the chestnut " (spoke Kankuro )." You will surely find the form."

"I do not think so, Kankuro." The redhead snorted. "Shit ... -"He mumbled in a low voice.

"You'd better start looking for a brother-in-waiting," the blonde said, placing a hand on Gaara's shoulder. Or you'll be left with nothing. "He finished with a smile.

Gaara looked down, he was dead with rage. How had his father been able to do that to him? He was practically forcing him to marry. Even after death he insisted on the subject, and the worst thing was that this time there was no way to get rid of it. Either he married or was left without a peso (penny )in his pocket for the rest of his life, and he would never consent to the second option.

The Sabaku family They were not the owners of Suna Corporation, one of the most prominent companies in the city of Tokyo. 

However, with the recent death of the father of the brothers, everything changed. Temari, Kankuro and Gaara inherited all their fortune and of course the company. 

But things were not so easy for the youngest of the brothers, since his father stipulated a clause in his will so that he could receive all his assets and the long-awaited presidency of the company, and that was nothing more and nothing less than be married

Knowing that his youngest son was an immature and an inveterate womanizer, and not wanting a future like that for him, the father of the three made the clause in his testament very clear; a real nightmare for Gaara, since he would not support more than a month with the same woman.

All he had left now was to get a girlfriend and marry her within two months, and to be married to her for at least six months to achieve his goals.

They all left the lawyer's office and went to their jobs. Gaara was irascible, could not accept something like that, and still could not do anything to prevent it.

He came to his office and sat down. He hit the table and at that moment they knocked on the door.

"Pass"  Indicated annoyed.

-"Permission Gaara " He heard a sweet voice from the other side. A young woman with brown hair that reached up to her shoulders and black eyes entered then. She wore a white button-down blouse that fit perfectly to her slender figure, and a dark blue mini skirt, wearing shoes of the same color. When he entered, he noticed his boss' bad mood, so he smiled to calm him down. I did not know that you had gone so badly.

Will you marry me Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora