He scowled at me while chuckling dryly. "Mama, please tell your stubborn daughter here that I am the only man for her."

"God, you're so peevish." I laughed, irritating him more.


It was almost five when we reached the Madrid's mansion. Mari and another young woman opened the double wooden doors for us.

"Madi!" Mrs. Madrid's voice filled the foyer. "Happy birthday, darling." She pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Vera."

"Happy birthday, Madi." Atty. Madrid greeted with a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

Vera was about to start a conversation when Michael cleared his throat to make his presence known.

"Oh, Mickey. It's so good to see you." Vera gave his son a tap on the arm. "Come, come. Everybody's at the garden."

"See? I told you they love you more than me now."

"It's my birthday, you baby." I elbowed his side.

The sun was about to set and the beautiful sky was in a mixture of hues. The cold breeze of the early evening can be felt on the skin. Thankfully, I was wearing a  long-sleeved dress.

While we were walking, Michael noticed my hand on the necklace I was wearing. "Are you sure you wanna tell them tonight?"

"Yes but lemme tell my father and Kyla first." My fingers traced the ring hanging on my chest. We wanted our engagement announcement to be a surprise so I wore the ring on a chain around my neck.

"Of course."

Indeed everyone was in the garden. The band was setting up on a platform on one side. I spotted Kyla, Ali and Lisa chatting with Audrey and Marco.  Gracie and Chantal were running around. Kyla's parents were in deep conversation with Rico's. Mr. Simeon and Liam were standing around a tall table looking awkward. I wondered if they knew each other. Marga and Avery were giggling about something Carlos was saying. Ma'am Bridgit was sitting on one of the round tables with Noel and Naomi, Sir Dylan and Ma'am Hailey and some friends I made from the Lumiere department store.

It felt amazing to see everyone here to celebrate with me especially now that I don't get to talk to them every day. Everyone I cared about is in one place and I couldn't be any happier.

"Bes!" Kyla excitedly ran to our direction once she spotted me. "Happy birthday! You look glowing!"

It was good to see her again. She got a teaching job in Ilocos so we don't get to see each other every day like we used to.

"Thank you. I have to tell you something." We were wrapped in each other's arms when Lisa tapped Kyla's shoulders.

"Excuse me, it's out turn." Lisa raised arched her eyebrow. "Don't be selfish. She's our friend too, you know."

I shrugged when Kyla gave me a questioning look. My friends took turns in greeting and hugging me. I wished I knew that birthdays meant 'hug me' day too.

When Peter arrived with his family, I introduced them to Michael's parents. Before dinner, I asked Peter to come with me inside the house so we can have some privacy.

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