Chapter 11. Anxiety

Start from the beginning

Eventually we broke away for air, panting lightly as we gazed into each others eyes lovingly.

Natsu has always felt like the sun, so close yet always unreachable and always out of my grasp. Even if I got close to him he would always end up burning me.

But now it's different, I know that I can reach him because he's right here in my arms. In my arms where I can keep him close to my chest and never let him leave me.

I am never going to let anyone take him away from me. Never in my life.

"Gray..." Natsu's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I hummed in reply.

"I want to learn fire dragon slayer magic again. It won't be from Igneel but I don't think that he'll mind." Natsu said to me, seeming a little embarrassed but my heart jumped up with joy.

I put my hands on his shoulder, excitement coursing through my veins. If Natsu learns fire dragon slaying again, he'll regain a whole part of him that was lost.

"I'm sure that Gajeel and Wendy will be able to help you revise once they get better. Right now they're all pretty shaken up from what I've heard." I reassured Natsu.

"What... happened down there?" He asked, frowning lightly.

"Well..." I paused, "things didn't go to plan and they saw some bad things."

Natsu nodded, toiling at his lap. I watched him raise his hand up to his head and scratch at his short hair.

"What's wrong?" I asked and he jumped, he must have been thinking.

"Oh, it's just itchy. That's all." He waved his hands around.

"Alright." I said and brought my hand up as a replacement for his own, rubbing the stubble lightly.

Natsu blushed, "w-what are you doing?"

"You're right. It is kind of itchy. Lie down here." I patted between my legs.

Natsu hesitated for a second but eventually turned around and sat in between my legs, leaning his head back onto my chest. I continued to rub his head and slowly his eyelids fell closed and he dozed off.

I chuckled and sat there, gazing out of the window as I continued to massage his head, carefully avoiding the wound. However, not even forty minutes later Natsu began to stir.

I looked back down at him with a frown when I realised that he was trembling and soon he began to whimper. Then all of a sudden Natsu let out a scream and started to flail around with tears rolling down his cheeks.

I instantly flipped him around as gently as I could and grabbed onto his shoulders before starting to shake him.

"Natsu!" I yelled desperately and after the third attempt his eyes shot open and stared into mine.

Tears flowed from his eyes and he continued to tremble and pant as he got a grip of his bearings.

"It's okay Natsu. Your okay." I tried to reassure him.

Natsu suddenly cried out and clutched his stomach as he double over in pain which alarmed me even further.

"I'll be back!" I said before getting up and running to the door, throwing it open along with the second one so that I was in the medical bay.

"We need a Doctor!" I yelled, catching the attention of most of the staff nearby and a few nurses instantly pushed past me and into Natsu's room,

Levy then came rushing out of Gajeels hospital room far down the hallway and ran towards me. She didn't say anything as I moved aside so that she could run past into Natsu's room.

They soon came back out with Natsu on a stretcher and I didn't even notice them bring it in. Natsu was clutching onto the sides of the stretcher as they carried him out and into an emergency room so that they could find out what the hell was wrong with him.

The door slammed close and I let out a shaky breath, running a hand through my hair as all of the past events sunk in. What happened? What's wrong with Natsu?

"Gray! What happened?!" A girls voice yelled and I was surprised to turn and see Wendy standing next to me with bandages still covering her body. Worry was written all over her face as she waited for my answer.

"I... I don't know. Everything was fine and then... t-then he started to feel intense stomach pains." I said in all honestly.

"Is... is he going to be alright?" She asked me, searching for reassurance about the matter.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair again, "Yeah... I'm sure he'll be fine... He's Natsu Dragneel after all."


Now I can finally go to sleep!


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