King and Queen • Y/N and Rick

Start from the beginning

[Rick and Y/N] (Rick= • and Y/N = ~)
•Don't leave me
~Never leave me out
•Don't leave me
~Never leave me out
•Don't leave me
~Never leave me out
•Don't leave me
~Never leave me out
•Don't leave me
~Never leave me out
•Don't leave me
•~Never leave me out


Rick and I bow, that song hit me hard.

The crowd went wild! Screaming our names, Y/N! Rick! Y/N and Rick! Woo!!!

Rick and I have the mics back to the host.

"I think we have the winners." The host said to us.

"I WILL GO NEXT!" "NO ME ME!" The crowd screams.

Rick and I walk away to an empty table.

"I-i never knew we could sound so good!" I yell putting my hands in the air. (Like I just don't care)

"I-i know! I thought we would be dead cats!" Rick yells picking me up and swing me around.

I laugh.

He puts me down, still holding my waist.

"What's so funny?" I ask him.

"You're really heavy!" Rick smirks pulling me closer to his face.

"Shut up!" I giggle.

"No!" He whined like a little kid.

"Make me!" He says.

I look at his lips, he looked at mine.

He leaned in further I did too. His lips were so close, I wanted them, I wanted to know what love tasted like.
He was my living nicotine, I, I just.

I lean in even further in, our lips a millimeters apart.


That scared the shit out of Rick so he flinched back.


Rick starts to walk up there, giving me the "I beat you." Look.

Rick gave me an "It's not your face."


I was shocked! Me? Queen? Rick, King?!?!

I dash up there next to Rick, sticking my tongue out. Him rolling his eyes.

The host, placing a crown on each of our heads.

"OUR KING A QUEEN!" The crowd kneeled.

"YEAH BITCHES!" Rick and I say together.

Rick starts blushing.

"You come back anytime you'd like your majesty." The host bowed.

"You are truly legendary, your name will forever be spoken with nothing but pure heart and deepest respect." He bowed again, motioning us to the downer floor.

"Enjoy the rest of your night my Queen." He bowed once more and left.

"W-WHAT THE HELL!" Rick shouts at me.

"A-are you alright?" Did he seem angry?

"We both won!" I see a slight smile creeping upon his face.

"You, you read my mind!" Rick stares at me.

"The "yeah bitches" part? It was just a habit of yours truly." I point to myself.

"But that's my thing, yet you've never heard me say it once." Rick smile grew wider.

"Y-you do have quite a lot in common with me then?" I told him.

"B-basically." He spoke.

"Well, since that's over with, I'm sure it's late, wanna go get some ice cream before *rrp* we go home?" Rick asked.

"Ice cream sounds good!" I hug him tight and let go.

He turns red.

"You need to stop doing that." I point to his face with my other hand.

"Blushing?" I don't *rrp* think I can, not around you." He mumbled.

"Aww Shucks Rick."

Don't you just hate me? Hehehe, YOU AINT KISSING RICK (YET)


Shattered (Rick X Reader) (Completed) *2018*Where stories live. Discover now