two / the crowded car

Start from the beginning

she liked the way he was. she didn't think it was cool to be a rebel or stupid. she liked that he wasn't an asshole and she didn't want to be the one to turn him into one. "i can't do that." she said again, and he looked at her, the white of his eyes tinted a slight shade of red. he raised an eyebrow and began laughing hysterically. "what the hell are you laughing at?" she tilted her head with a confused express on her face.

"you're cute when you're flustered." he said, straightening back up. he was so perplexing to her. he is like a completely different person now. the weed made him, confident. now it was her turn to blush. it felt as if they had switched rolls for a minute. time was moving extremely slowly as he got closer to her. she didn't move back, she stood her ground. but the pace of her heartbeat increased dramatically each step he took. then he was directly in front of her. leaning down slightly, with his face inches from her.

"please, i want to find myself. i have nothing to do with my life right now, and you said you have nowhere to go. i'll let you stay with me if you help me, please." he asked, his charm taking a toll on her. his eyes flicked between her eyes and lips multiple times, seeing how soft they looked. he wanted to kiss her, but he knew that was no good. he had just met the girl, and it would leave a bad first impression. and for him, she felt like his only hope to finding out his place in the world.

manson let out a breath and broke eye contact. she did need somewhere to stay, that was true, but did she want to risk driving this perfectly fine man to insanity? he knew deep down, that this is very risky and unlike him. he knew it all could go to shit, but he didn't care. he's been sheltered his whole life. he wants to have his first girlfriend, first heartbreak, first love, and all the other firsts that he wasn't able to experience as a teen.

"you'll regret this, tae." she sighed, giving into him. a winning grin made its way to his face which was still inches from hers. she swiftly pushed him away slightly. "but, don't get any wrong ideas. i am not a toy for you to use. i will not have sex with you, and i will not take orders from you." she said, gathering herself and sternly looking into his eyes. he cowarded away a little. "yes noona." he said bowing slighty, in respect. he didn't know her age, but it felt appropriate to address her with the title.

"what is noona?" she asked. he realized that what he said was a korean term, not american. "it's just a respectful thing to say in korea." he said shrugging, not really wanting to explain the whole system. she just nodded, understanding somewhat. just then a car rushed into the parking lot, right next to them. taehyung turned around, seeing that it was yoongi driving his 2016 Honda. but it wasn't just yoongi. it was literally all of his friends except jin in the car. jungkook got out so that tae could get in and then they all noticed the girl next to tae. yoongi got out, looking extremely tired and upset. he slammed the door and walked up to tae.

"who is this girl with you?" the grumpy boy asked, crossing his arms and sending a death glare to taehyung. "this is manson, she was gonna come with me. we were gonna go to the house." tae said, with fear of his hyung's reaction. yoongi dropped his hands to his sides and looked at the girl who, in yoongi's opinion, was way out of taehyung's league. yoongi then broke into a laughing fit and leaned down, grabbing onto his knees for balance. "she was gonna come to our house?" yoongi spat out between his giggles. "this pretty girl, wants to go home with you?" he asked still laughing.

taehyung frowned, feeling slightly hurt by what yoongi said. he wasn't sure if yoongi was making fun of him because he thought that he wasn't cute enough for her, or if he thinks he has no game. either way, it hurt his feelings, just a little. "no yoongi, you're getting the wrong idea. we are friends." tae said looking down out of embarrassment. to his surprise manson walked up right beside him and wrapped her arms around his shoulder again, like earlier.

"just so you know yoongi, i would happily take him home." she said with a very confident smile, making taehyung blush and yoongi abrubtly stop laughing. yoongi narrowed his eyes, and looked her up and down. he felt as if he had met his rival. without words, yoongi pivoted on his left foot quickly and got back in the drivers seat. jungkook scurried to the other side of the car, opened the door and got on namjoon's lap. namjoon embraced him like jungkook was his own son and he cuddled him back. they both looked like they were content.

jimin was in the passenger side of the car, making yoongi about ready to explode from all the flirtatious comments. and in the middle back was hoseok, who was acting like a two year old as usual. he tapped yoongi's shoulder repeatedly asking for him to put on "boombayah" by blackpink, the popular all girl k-pop group. that left the back right seat open for both taehyung and manson. taehyung got in and looked at manson with a sympathetic smile. she just chuckled, and carefully got on his lap and squished into the car. tae slammed the door after they were settled in.

"it'll be a fucking miracle if i get all you bastards home safe" yoongi shouted over all the ruckus going on in the crowded car.

"miracle, miracle, miracle.....whip......miracle whip!!!!" hoseok shouted in utmost joy, and threw his hands up in the air. yoongi was really about to pull over the car and throw the childlike adult out of it, but he continued focusing on the road. jungkook and namjoon had fallen asleep, still stuck to each other like glue. jimin was still being flirty with yoongi, and would occasionally inch his hand towards the flustered boy, in return getting a harsh smack on his hand from him. manson was talking to hoseok about all types of things. when yoongi gave in the putting the song on for hoseok, he and manson danced to it. taehyung was trapped under manson, who seemed weightless.

he watched her as she entertained hoseok like he was a restless child. he found himself joining along. he danced and sang with them. everything continued on like that for awhile until, a police siren was heard in the background over the loud music. yoongi looked in the rear view mirror to see the red and blue lights flashing towards his car. he slammed his hand on the wheel in utter frustration. he turned the music down all the way, and pulled over on the side of the road.

"hey! why'd you turn the music down?" hoseok asked, looking like a baby whose candy got stolen. "shut the fuck up, hoseok. we just got pulled over by a cop." yoongi nearly screamed at the scared boy. jungkook and namjoon awoke from their peaceful slumber. "what's going on?" jungkook asked, rubbing his sleepy face. taehyung threw his head back and closed his eyes, not really knowing how to react in a situation like this. manson was just working on telling the two boys that just woke up, what was going on.

yoongi slumped down in his seat. he rolled his window down, as he saw a women police officer get out of the drivers side of the car behind them.

"this is the worst fucking day, of my entire life, hands down."

trash pt. 2
enjoy ig

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