d e a r s i r i u s

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Dear Sirius,

I am afraid that there may not be much time left for me, my love.
You-know-who is looking for me. He wants me dead.
Dumbledore is sending me into hiding. I am supposed to go into the mountains of France, but France is no longer a safe place.
So, it is with a heavy heart, that I write to you. I cannot hide from him. He will come for me, and he will find me. Just as he found Lily and James all those years ago. It pains me greatly to say that this may be the last words you ever hear from me. So I will make them count, my love.
Sirius Orion Black, I love you, till the end of time, till the end of the world. You have managed to bring light in my life when I cannot see in the dark. When you were sent away, it broke me. And now I fear that I will put you through the same thing that you have put me through.
Just know, my love, that this is not my choice. I wish to stay at Hogwarts, or go with you. But it seems that if I was to ever see you again, it would immediately alert him to our presence. I don't know how he did it, but he has us marked. Both of us. Wherever you are, stay safe, and stay hidden.
It pains my greatly that I will never be able to see your face again, or feel your arms around me. But I fear that by the time this reaches you, I will already be dead.
There is no way out of this. There is no outcome where we both will walk out of this alive. And I will miss you greatly. You are the one person on this earth that I would give everything for.
I love you. Please do not forget that, but do not hold on. Find someone else. Get married, have children. All I want is for you to be happy, my love. And alive, I suppose.
Sirius, you have made my life an adventure and one that I will treasure until the end of my memory. You have my heart forever.

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