s u m m e r

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"I miss Sirius."

"School starts in less than a month."

"But I haven't seen him in over two months."

"Do you want to meet up with them while you are with me?"

"Are you sure you want to stand James?"

"I will as long as I'm with you."

"How long am I staying here for again?"

"I thought it was just until your parents got back from America but I could be wrong."

"And that's only like another week and a half."

"And then the next week our Hogwarts letters should come and then we go to school the next week."

"Oh wow. I think I'll just see if Sirius wants to go shopping together this year."

"Whatever you want, Sophia."

Dear Sirius,
How are you? I'm missing you terribly. I'm currently staying at Lily's house since my parents are in America on business. They should be back within the next week or so, but I was wondering if you would want to go shopping for school stuff together? Or if you want to meet up before that is fine as well I just don't want to cause any trouble.
With love,


"What is it mate?"

"I got a letter from Sophia. She wants to meet up soon. Should I tell her that I finally ran away?"

"She'll find out eventually, mate. I would tell her."

"Alright then.."

My dearest Sophia,
I am missing you as well. I had finally decided to run away. I'm staying with James until school starts. It is up to you.
I am fairly certain both James and Lily live in London, however I am not 100% positive.
Just let me know the plan love, I am up for whatever.
Much love,



"Sirius ran away."



"I never thought he'd do it."

"Neither did I."

"That's good right?"

"Yes. He's staying with the Potters. They also live in London."

"Well what do you want to do?"

"I say we wait until shopping. I'd hate to put you in an uncomfortable position."

"Oh I really don't mind, Sophia."

"I know you don't but it's who I am."

"You are to pure for this world."

"I know."

I say we wait until school shopping. My parents are coming home a few days early, and I want to spend time with them before the start of term. I hope this is alright. I love you. I'll see you soon.
With much love,

"Well, it looks like we are going shopping with them."

"Sounds good Padfoot."

My love,
That is completely alright. I'll see you in a few weeks then.
Forever yours,

"Mum! Dad! I've missed you!"

"We missed you too!"

"I have something to tell you since you have been gone all summer."

"Yes, what is it dear?"

"I'm dating a boy from school."

"Let me guess. It's that Sirius boy isn't it?"

"How did you know dad?"

"You talk about him none stop. It's not hard to guess."


"That's absolutely lovely dear. Will we get to meet him?"

"We were going to go school shopping together this year."

"That sound wonderful."

I have told my parents about you. They are looking forward to when we go to Diagon Alley. I know you'll love them. And they'll love you. I apologize if you are not ready to meet my parents, I just felt like I needed to tell them. I do hate secrets, especially if I'm keeping it from my parents.
Always yours,



"I'm meeting her parents!"

"That's bloody awesome mate!"

"Do you think they will like me?"

"Your Sirius Black. Everyone loves you."

Of course I am not mad. I'm extremely excited to meet them! Is it alright if James tags along? His parents will not be able to help him shop and I would feel awful if he had to shop by himself. I can't wait to see you! I love you so much.


"Are you shopping with me this year?"

"Of course we always go together. Why?"

"Oh nothing it's just that James will be there this year."


"I mean I completely understand-"

"I'm still coming with."


"Really. I'm not breaking tradition."

"Whatever you say Lil."

I am so happy to hear that you are excited! And of course James can come! I'll bring Lily as well!
With love,

"Hey prongs."


"Sophia is bringing Evans."


"Perfect time mate."

"Oh I know."

"I think that went quite well!"

"I agree! My dad really liked you, Sirius!"

"Really? How can you tell?"

"Well he's not like he is with any of the boys my sister brings home. He likes you."

"That's bloody brilliant."

"Yes it is. I must be going, but I'll see you soon for school?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Broken {Sirius Black}Where stories live. Discover now