u n c l e p a d f o o t

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"It's about bloody time we met our nephew!"

"Sirius, you know he's only been alive for a few days right?"

"I wanted to be there when he was born!"

"You're sounding like James."

"Don't compare me to that ugly thing!"

"He's your best mate."

"He's still ugly."

"Lily would beg to differ."

"That's different. She's his wife! It's in the job description to be infatuated with him!"

"Are you being sexist?"

"Oh my god no! Only people with a death wish would be sexist in front of you!"

"Oh my gosh. Sirius Black you are impossible."

"You got that right Sophia Black."

"I'll never get tired of hearing that."

"Good cause you're stuck with it for the rest of your life."

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

"Ah little baby Harry is going to be such a dashing young fellow. He'll have all the ladies after him, an I right Sophia?"

"Gee if you keep talking to him like that he'll grow up to be more like you than either James or Lily."

"You know I only dated those girls to make you jealous right?"

"You know I only got jealous when you dated Marlene."

"I still never understood why you hated her."

"Because she was an entitled little prat. I can't stand that."

"I know you can't. I'm just glad everything worked out."

"I am too."

"So when are we gonna have a kid? Better be soon if we want Harry to be best friends with them."


"Are you pregnant?"

"Yes. I just found out yesterday. I've been waiting for the right time to tell you."

"Why would you wait?"

"I was scared of your reaction."

"Oh darling, this is absolutely fantastic!"

"You think so?"

"Of course! Our children can go and carry on our legacy!"

"But what about You-Know-Who? What about our horrid world?"

"Just gives us something more to fight for."

"Your the best."

"I know."

"Now repeat after me. P-A-D-F-O-O-T. No! Not like that. You're doing it wrong! Try again. P-A-D-F-O-O-T. Goodness no! Wrong again!"

"Sirius, give it a rest. He'll say it when he's ready."

"I just want to give James a heart attack."

"And how will that give him a heart attack?"

"He wanted Harry's first words to be his name. It would be hilarious if his first words were me instead. Brilliant!"

"You are lucky I love you."

"And why is that?"

"Well if I didn't I would never have married you."

"Then thank god you do!"

"Say goodbye to Uncle Padfoot!" Lily said as she held her young son out to Sirius.

"Goodbye Harry! I'll see you for Halloween yeah?" Sirius smiled and cooed over the young boy.

The girl standing next to him rolled her eyes. "We'll be back soon, Lils. This one here won't stop talking about Harry."

Sirius gave her a look that made Lily snort with laughter.

"Just wait till Sirius Jr. gets here! These boys will be the best of friends!"

"Sirius I never agreed to that name." Sophia stated.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "We all know he will be dashing and handsome, just like his dad."

Sophia rolled her eyes. "Come on Mr. dashing and handsome, we have to get home."

"Yes ma'am."

"See you later, Lils!"

Broken {Sirius Black}Where stories live. Discover now