Chapter 14: Rebel Resolve

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Chapter 14: Rebel Resolve

A casual day on Lothal, people going about their business, and oh yeah the protocol of the troopers that have been tripled, "Pair off, I want a swipe. Those rebels must be found." the captain orders. But from the rooftops, Leo, Sabine, and Zeb were on one side and Sabine signals at the other three on the other. Ezra, Chopper, and Mako were on the other side of the roofs and they nod at him and Ezra makes the move first. Then Sabine looks at Zeb and Leo, they nod at her, then ran at the walker and land on top of the walker along with Ezra. "What was that?" a trooper inside asks them.

Then the trooper behind him gets out of his seat and walks to the back. But then the latch was open and Zeb growls grab the trooper by the face and pull him out of the walker. "What the..." the driver asks him, but then Ezra clears his throat and the driver looks at him. "How is ya doing?" Ezra said as he smiled then blasted him with his saber, making the man stiffen and then fall forward, but Leo catches him in time, then pulls him to the side and took the control, but didn't understand them and accidentally blasting at the street, scaring the people a little and he then turns then to the troopers that were walking in front of them that turn to the walker, but then Sabine and Mako fires at them as did Zeb when Leo was still trying to figure out the controls.

Chopper then flew over to the walker and lands in the cockpit and grumbles at Ezra who was dealing with an unconscious trooper. "Plug-in chop, we need all files on prisoner transports and Imperial detection facility," Ezra orders him, Chopper agreed without a fuze and plugs in. but then makes the walker walk in a circle around the troopers, Zeb loses balance for a moment but pulls himself back together, "Hey! Keep it steady in there!" he yells at the two, "Here! Take this." Ezra said as he was waving the trooper's hand, Zeb looks at it and smirks. Then the trooper went flying down and crash into the captain. "Okay, I got it now," Leo states and then started to walk away from the troopers. Mako and Sabine were running along the roofs and then jump onto the walker. Then Mako kneels next to Zeb and fires at the troopers that were chasing them. "Command, we have a rogue walker. Repeat, a rogue walker in grid four." the captain informs commander.

Then Chopper pulls out and chips at Sabine when she jumps down. "No connection? That's impossible, the entire system would have to be down." Sabine informs Chopper. "Well, they did blow up their own comm tower." Zeb reminds her of Mako fires at the troopers. "Ugh, they must have taken down their entire data network." Sabine states as she stood up, "How are we going to find out where they got Kadan and Leto now?" Ezra asks her. "Walker 693 stand down. Repeat stand down." the trooper on the comm orders them. "Uh, guys we have a problem!" Mako calls out and Zeb looks and saw two more walkers following them, then fires at them, making them jerk a little, "Could really use the carvery about now!" Leo states and Sabine pulls out her counsel. "Spectre 2, we need a pickup," she informs Hera. "I read you spent 5. Rendezvous at the town's spare." Hera informs them then they jerk again from being blasted at. "Hate to be the pessimist Ezra, but how do we know?" Sabine asks him and Ezra looks at her. "He's alive. Both Mako and I know it."


Somewhere else, Kadan was strapped to a table that was holding him up. But then he felt something small and wet lick his cheek. He flutters his eyes open and looks on his shoulder, seeing Leto chips at him a little as he jumps up and down, with little strength left in Kadan, he smiles at the little, reptile. "Hey... did you stay with me the whole time?" he asks, Leto nuzzles against Kadan's cheek and purrs. "Thanks, little guy," he tells him, but then Leto stops purring and looks at the door as it slides open and there were Tarkin and Kallus, they both walk into the room.

"Now we will discover if you are indeed a Jedi you claim to be." Tarkin states as Leto growls at him, "Well Governor, somebody's got to keep you entertain." Kadan jokes and Leto looks at him.

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