Chapter 27: Answers

Start from the beginning

"Seriously?! How many Fairy-types are there?!" Sar barked out.

"This is why I'm the head honcho over you guys." Devante huffed.

"Well well Caius, it seems that you've lost weight." Cedlio said chuckling. "Ten, fifteen, I don't know. How much does an arm weigh?" I stared at him for a few seconds, then grew a smirk on my face and started to chuckle softly. His expression grew darker as he heard me. "What's so funny?"

"Just the fact that you're so wrong." I said revealing my left arm. I saw Cedlio's eyes widen as he saw my arm.

"Well well, looks like the bug got an upgrade." Devante taunted.

"Takes one to know one." Sarah countered.

"Well Caius, this is an unexpected visit." Lofn said grinning. I turned my eyes to her.


'Hold on a second, I know for a fact that there were six of you. Where's Atol?" Carinthia questioned. I started to look around the prison. She was right. Atol wasn't in the cell.

"Caius! Behind you! "Sarah warned.

"Hello Caius." I heard a voice behind me say. I turned my head enough to see that it was Atol, standing directly behind me with a Shadow Ball at my back. "It's certainly been a while."

"I see that you haven't forgotten to use your little portal to escape." I observed.

"This is for the humiliation you gave me twelve years ago." Atol growled. "Now, you're going to set us free, and you are going to do nothing about it."

"Alright." I replied smoothly. My reply and the tone I had it in caught everyone off guard.

"You're just going to let them go?!" Carinthia said astonished.

"On one set condition."

"You will not be making any conditions at this point." Atol scowled.

"Guard, go ahead and open the door." I said. As the guard stared at me, still astonished, I nodded my head. With the same look, he nodded back and opened the door.

"My one condition is that you have to first meet my brother."

"Brother?!" Lofn said surprised. I turned my eyes to Carinthia and tried to signal her to slowly make her way towards me. I think she got the message and started to approach when Atol wasn't looking. My brother stepped through the door, holding some kind of glass cup with a red liquid in it. I'd say it was paint, but it was way to miscible and too clear. As he walked up, Atol saw my brother. I may not have seen it, but I could hear his fear as he was struggling to breathe for a few seconds. I could feel the Shadow Ball disappearing as he lost concentration. I simply took a few steps forward and turned around, facing Atol and seeing the horrified expression on his face. My brother stopped a few feet in front of Atol.

"Do you want some punch?" Raiden asked. The question caught Atol off guard. Instead of showing fear now, he stared at Raiden questionably. Sarah was starting to silently chuckle, more than likely reading out Raiden's thoughts of what he was going to do.

"Sure?" Atol replied unsure. He got what he asked for alright. Raiden used his free hand to form a fist and hit Atol with Shadow Punch, sending him back at me. I formed a fist of my own with my claw and used Sucker Punch to send her to Sarah. Sarah responded by using Night Slash on Atol and sending her at Carinthia. Carinthia then added on by slamming him with Feint Attack and hitting him towards Thalia, when then finished it off with a Shadow Ball, sending him crashing against the bars of the cell. He moaned as he fell on the ground.

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