Chapter 23: Perfect

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Jimin slowly makes his way down the aisle. He could hear people murmuring but he chose to ignore that. The only thing that on his eyes right now is Jungkook and Jungkook alone.

"I—I object!" the crowd gasps and yet Jimin is standing right in front of Jungkook.

"I object this marriage."

Jungkook looks straight into Jimin's eyes. He didn't know what to say, everything is moving fast for him. His heart beats faster than it should and he's feeling all sort of emotions inside him.

"Jungkook, I might be the biggest fool in the world. I never know how much I feel about you, how much I love you. I'm too scared to face the reality and when you came at me, my world is going upside down. I didn't realize how much I needed you until I lost you. I made the dumbest decision in my life by shutting you out. Thinking that I didn't want to hurt anyone. But now, I realize, every decision I made before, hurts everyone I love. I hurt you, I hurt Minjoon, and I hurt myself." Jimin takes a deep breath. He knows it's too late to turn back now and he regrets nothing of it.

"I object this wedding because I realize that I don't want to lose you. I'm so selfish that I want to make you mine, and mine only. If you ever think that you belong with me, marry me instead, Jeon Jungkook for I couldn't live without you. And I know you feel the same" Jimin fights the urge of breaking into tears. He didn't know what Jungkook might feel right now. But this is the only chance that he has. If Jungkook rejects him now, then so be it. At least he tried and got rejected where it's better than shut up and regrets.

Jungkook takes a deep breath. He released Minjoon from his hug and steps closer to Jimin.

"........................You moron! Stupid! Dumbass! Is this the right time to come!? What would you do if I ended up marry someone else!? I tried so hard to make you fall for me and yet you only realize it now? Seriously park Jimin, how dumb can you be!?" Jungkook pulls Jimin out on a hug. He hugs him as if he's scared to let him go. He didn't want to let him go anymore.

Jimin couldn't stop his tears, he cried in Jungkook embrace.

"I love you, stupid... you idiot, my heart beats only for you. Only you. I don't want to live with anyone else, I want to spend the rest of my life with this idiot that own my heart. Yes! I want to marry you"

"Finally!" Naeun takes of her veils and step down. She claps her hands loud enough for the crowd to hear. Soon after that, Taehyung and Yoongi stand up, clapping for both of them. The crowds cheers for them. It makes both Jungkook's parents realize how much Jimin means to his son, and that they're wrong the whole time. Jungkook didn't need anybody, he needs Jimin.

"Can we get on with the marriage?" the priest asks, seeing the two lovebirds still in each other's embrace.

"Ummm... I'm not properly dress for---"Jimin lowered his head, looking at a plain dress shirt on his body.

"Dummy, I don't care if you're wearing a trash bag right now, I still want to marry you." Jungkook smiles and drags Jimin up on the stage.

"Here, take my tux!" Junghyun hands his tux over to Jimin and helps him wear that.

Once Jimin is ready, Jungkook holds Jimin's hand tight. As if he'd never going to let him go. The priest reads the vow once again. They read their vows loud and clear, hands never letting go of each other. Jimin has never thought that his second marriage would be as chaotic as this. But as long as he marrying Jungkook, he didn't care. He's satisfied enough.

"You may now exchange the rings." The priest said and Jimin turns panic. He forgot about the ring! Now, where can he find a ring at this time!? He looks at Jungkook with a sympathized look. He didn't know how to make a ring appear right now. But Jungkook just smile and looks at him fondly.

Jungkook takes out a necklace around his neck. On the necklace, there's a ring attached on it.

"I made this for you, but I never get a chance to give this to you." Jungkook takes out the ring and put it on Jimin's ring finger. It's fancy even though it's not a wedding ring. But it's enough. Jimin didn't even get the time to be emotional about it, Naeun taps his shoulder and hands him the ring for Jungkook. Jungkook notices that the ring that Jimin put on his finger is different from the one he chose for his and Naeun's wedding.

"I now, pronounce you, husband and husband. You may kiss the groom"

Jungkook grabs Jimin's waist, leans in while smiling fondly and kiss him. It was sweet, sweeter than sweets. They could hear clapping and cheering among the crowds. This is it. His happiness. Everything that he wanted in his life. Once he broke the kiss, he flicks Jimin's forehead earning a low 'ow' from him.

"I love you, and I won't let you go. You're mine now" Jungkook leans in once more time and kiss him again.

"Daddy!!" Minjoon lets Yoongi's hand and runs towards his parents. Jungkook gladly opens his arms to embrace Minjoon.

"My son everybody!!" Jungkook shouts. Jimin didn't know how much his cheeks hurts from smiling too much. But he's glad when the crowd is cheering loud at Jungkook's statement. That's when he realized, if he didn't make this decision, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Jimin glances at the corner of the hall. His eyes must be deceiving him right now. But he saw Namjoon, smiling at him. Almost feels like Namjoon is here to support him. Jimin could see that Namjoon bringing his thumbs up at him, saying that he did great. But once he blinks, Namjoon disappeared.

Jimin didn't know how real this situation is, but when he looks at smiling Jungkook with Minjoon on his arms, and the crowds congratulating them, he know this--is the reality that he wants.


"........ You're telling me you're pregnant and I'm going to be a real father?" Jungkook furrows his eyebrows. Repeating Jimin's words back.

"Yes" Jimin gulps. He's scared at Jungkook's reaction. What if Jungkook thinks that he wanted to marry him because he's pregnant? But that's not true, he married him because he loves him.

"Are you sure?"

Jimin nods his head again. Scared to look at Jungkook's face right now. after a few moment of scary silence, Jungkook stands up and shouted 'YES' as loud as he can. Jimin couldn't hide how embarrassed he is now. He tried to pull Jungkook to sit down as other people in the restaurant are staring at them.


"Jungkook! Get down! You're embarrassing me!" Jimin yell-whispered. His face is bright red now, embarrassed with Jungkook's stupid action. Jungkook bows his head and said thank you when the people congratulated him with cheers.

"I'm going to be a father! I can't believe this! Oh my god! We should go and get ready! There's a lot of thing to buy! Let's go, let's go!" Jungkook restlessly moving around. He tried to finish his food in one gulp. Seriously, Jimin wonders for a moment, he thinks he married a child at this point.

"Jungkookie, slow down... there's no need to buy anything. I'm still at my early stage." Jimin shakes his head. He chuckles a bit when he saw a disappointed look on Jungkook's face.

"But---my baby~" Jungkook whines.

Jimin shushed him up, earning a pout on Jungkook's face. Once they finished eating, Jungkook paid the bills and walks Jimin out. While walking to their car, Jungkook stops for a second. He smiles and caress Jimin's hand.

"Thank you. For everything. For loving me back, for accepting me, for being brave enough to say that you love me. And thank you for giving me two kids that I can be proud to say that I'm their father. Thank you love. I don't know what I would do without you"

Jimin smiles and hugs Jungkook. "Thank you for waiting. Thank you for still loving me"

Jungkook breaks the hugs. He leans in and gives his husband a sweet-sweet kiss. Their love might be late. Later than what Jungkook expected. But they're together now, and that's matter. Jungkook never forget the angel that snatched his heart from the first time he saw him. He never thought that that angel would be his and Jimin never knew that the boy that he helped once, is now his husband. they experience a lot since they know each other, but it's okay, they got each other's hand for support now and that's what important. It was never too late to be in love and they chose to start again.


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