Chapter 2: Love

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The bell finally rings and Jungkook groans in his palm. He loves business and he's good at it. But all this information on his first day was enough to burst his head off. Jungkook packs his bag and ready to leave to his next class. He just can't wait for this day to get over so that he could get some rest.

"Jungkook ssi!"

'Lee Ji Eun' the most beautiful, and the hottest freshmen this year. She's in two of Jungkook's class so it wouldn't be surprise if she knows him. Hey, he's quite popular too you know?

"Well, to be honest, I have no partner for this assignment and I wonder if you wanted to partner up with me?"

"Well, sure. I would glad to." Jungkook smiles at her and they exchange their number right before they parted away.

Jungkook realizes that he's kind of late to his next class now and that reason was enough to make him sprints through the hallway.


"Tae! Here!" Jungkook waves his hand towards his best friend.

Taehyung spots him and waves back before walking towards Jungkook. He sits next to Jungkook while waiting for Namjoon to come over. They promised to have lunch together today so they have no choice but to wait for the busy president to show himself before they could eat anything.

"Hey kids!" Namjoon said, pulling a chair in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook was about to complaint on how hungry he is when he saw his angel sits next to his hyung. Jungkook froze right there, he couldn't even tear his eyes away from the angel especially when he smiles that brightly.

"Oh hey, we meet again!" the angel speaks.

"Uh yeah.... Didn't know you two know each other?" Jungkook said, raising his eyebrows towards Namjoon while smiling like stupid.

This might be his chance! If Namjoon hyung is friend with this angel, maybe he could help Jungkook. Maybe they can get closer. Maybe Jimin would eventually falls for him too later and maybe----

"He's my boyfriend" Namjoon smiles while pinching Jimin's cheeks.

Jungkook's smile falters. He can feel something broken inside him. He sees how Jimin's eyes shines when Namjoon smiles at him. And his smiles? So much brighter than he has ever seen. Jungkook was crushed.

"Woahhh! You have a boyfriend hyung!?" Taehyung exclaims. A bit shocked but a lot happier.

"Hello, I'm Jimin. Nice to meet you." Jimin smiles and reach out his hand towards Taehyung but he receives a tight hug instead.

"So, how did you two know each other?" Namjoon glances at both Jimin and Jungkook.

"He... uh... He helps me yesterday. Thank you again Jimin ssi" Jungkook bits his lips. He didn't know what to feel. One, he felt broken. Really heartbroken with the fact that Jimin belongs to another. Two, he felt guilty towards Namjoon, the hyung that he respects so much, for falling in love with his boyfriend.

As Jimin keeps on talking about how he and Jungkook met yesterday, Jungkook keeps on restraining himself from staring at the talking angel for too long. Damn he's whipped. He can't help it. But Jimin belongs to Namjoon and he's aware of that.

"Say kook, you've said something about an angel yesterday. Well?" Namjoon turns his gaze away from Jimin and focus on Jungkook instead.

Jungkook on the other hand, chokes on his own drink. He starts to get flustered now. There's no way in world he would tell Namjoon about that. What would he said about it anyway? 'Hey hyung, turns out to be the person that I fell in love with is your own boyfriend, funny isn't it? Ha-ha?' No way!

"Wait~ kook! You have a crush on your first day here and you didn't tell your best friend? Wow... I'm offended." Taehyung place his hand on his chest, looking slightly hurt about that.

"Uhhh... yeah. Not really a crush. Just ummm... admiration?" Jungkook sweats all over.

"Hmmmm... yeah-yeah. We 'believe' you kook." Namjoon smirks.

"What~? You have a crush on your first day? This is so exciting! We are so alike! I fall in love with Namjoonie hyung on my first day too!" Jimin chirps happily. Somehow, Jungkook wishes that he didn't said it that way because it makes him feel lots of things.

"Tell me who that person is!" Taehyung forces Jungkook to spill out the beans.

"Uhh.... Ji—Jieun?" Jungkook blurts out. Honestly, it was just his second day here and he didn't get to know many people yet. So, practically, Jieun's name just come out naturally like that.

Of course, his answers gain lots of gasp from the trio.

"As in Lee Ji Eun? Oh my god, she's definitely everyone's sweetheart. Even the seniors knows about her" Taehyung said.

"That's actually right. She's very popular for a freshmen." Jimin chirps happily while clinging onto Namjoon's arm. Oh how Jungkook wishes it was his arm instead of Namjoon in this angel's embrace.

They spent their lunchtime together, trying to get to know each other better. All this time, Jungkook learns that Park Jimin is a sweetheart, soft-hearted person and absolutely darling. He's the definite meaning of a literal angel. And that time, Jungkook decided that, no matter what, he will keeps on loving park Jimin. Maybe not as a boyfriend, but he will be the best friend that Jimin will have in his entire life.


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