Chapter Two: The Party

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When The Beatles got to the party, there were lots of reporters and paparazzi present. There were tons of cameras and interviewers crowded around in a circle in the middle of the giant ballroom.

"Who are all of those people scattered around?" asked Ringo.

"Yeah, usually they're all fanatic over us!" replied Paul.

"Good, maybe we'll actually be able to enjoy ourselves," John remarked.

"That's the new band," Brian answered Ringo.

"Well they must be pretty popular to steal all of the attention away from us!" complained Paul. "This is mad!"

Paul stormed up to the crowd, pushed all of the people out of his way, until he saw this new band. The rest of The Beatles followed not too far behind.

"Hey, it's The Beatles!" exclaimed Micky.

The reporters started taking more and more pictures of the two bands standing beside each other. They were going crazy!

"Who are you?" questioned a very irritated Paul.

"We're The Monkees!" all four members replied at once.

"The Monkees?" mocked John. "What kind of ridiculous name is that?"

"Well, it's the name of an animal," replied Davy followed by a little smirk.

"Hey, you've got an English accent," George pointed out.

"Really?" Davy asked sarcastically. "I hadn't noticed!"

"Alright, enough with the jokes. Our manager told us that you were supossed to be known as 'The American Beatles'," snapped Paul as he used air quotes.

"Don't get so worked up, Paul," John scoffed. "They seem more like a younger version of The Marx Brothers than of us."

"Really?" Micky asked, ignoring John's remark. "Usually we're referred to as 'The Pre-Fab Four'.

"The rest of us are American, just with the exception of little Davy here," laughed Peter.

"Look, we're sorry if we offended you or upset you in some way," explained Mike. "Truth is, we really admire you guys and are truly inspired by your amazing work. We would love to be your friends rather than your competition."

The Beatles looked at each other, and Ringo said, "That'd be quite alright."

The others agreed, and properly introduced themselves to The Monkees and vise versa.

The paparazzi went mad. Everyone was ecstatic that the two bands finally met. Now there was going to be Beatle-and-Monkee-mania! This was going to make great headlines on all of the newspapers!

"Hey, what do you say we get out of here?" John whispered to his fellow peers.

"There's an exit by the bathrooms," Micky pointed out.

One by one, each member secretly left the building, while the remaining members stayed to answer any questions the reporters and fans had. Until, there was one member left standing.

"Where did all of the other members go?" asked one confused reporter.

"Hold on, let me go look for them!" Peter shouted as he ran towards the bathroom, and out the back door with a sign above it that read, "EXIT".

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