"I do and I want to make it our  room.", he told me in a certain voice.

Our room.


My heart pounded unsteadily in my chest and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

I knew Daniel for like three days and was already willing to share a room and a bed with him. His confession did not even freak me out and what surprised me even more was my readiness.

The nagging voice inside my head screamed at me what the hell I was doing and that Daniel would think of me as easy if I agreed.

"What are you thinking about so hard?", an always attentive Daniel wanted to know and I could feel myself blush.

"I'm wondering if those intense feelings I have for you are normal.", I admitted without looking him into his green eyes.

I was sure that the smoldering look in his eyes would be my undoing.

"They are, my love.", Daniel started to tell me in a husky voice and I lifted my gaze.

His now dark green eyes revealed to me that he was deeply affected and satisfied with my confession.

"It's normal for werewolf mates to instantly develop intense feelings for each other and it's not rare that they mark and mate each other soon after."

Daniel's voice was getting breathy and I could feel myself getting breathless too. Daniel had already marked me and I realized that his bite was probably the reason for my instant feelings of love. Not that I would not had been attracted to Daniel without his mark, but I was certain that it would have taken me longer to develop the feelings I now already had for him.

I then remembered Daniel mentioning mating and I could only assume what it meant.

My heart was pounding a mile per second when I thought about Daniel and I having sex and I could swear that he could feel my heartbeat through our clothes.

"So you wouldn't think less of me if I already wanted to share a room with you?", I boldly asked, needing to change the direction of my thoughts, but also wanting to hear Daniel's opinion.

Daniel groaned when I wrapped both my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me.

Our lips were mere inches apart and I could feel his hot breath when he answered me: "Never, my love. I want nothing more than to sleep with you in my arms and wake up to your gorgeous face every morning from now on."

His sweet words quickly made their way into my heart, where I would keep them forever.

"Daniel.", I moaned his name and this was all it took to finally feel his delicious lips on mine.

Differently to our first kiss, which started out gentle and soft, this kiss was way more passionate.

While I had taken my time earlier to get used to Daniel's addictive lips and the new mindblowing sensations that came with our kiss, I could not wait now.

Immediately I deepened the kiss and Daniel moaned at my bold behaviour. Surprised by it as well, but not wanting to stress about it too, I just went with what felt good.

My tongue gently stroked over Daniel's lips and he instantly opened his mouth, which earned him an embarrassing loud moan from me.

As our kiss grew even more passionate, I felt Daniel's fingers caressing my bare back. Deciding that we both had too much clothes on I pulled back from his addictive lips and immediately noticed how swollen they were from our hot make out.

The nameless LunaWhere stories live. Discover now