C h a p t e r 37: Agony

Start from the beginning

"Break the door and wake her up." A man stood behind the door.

She ran to the window, not looking back nor down and jumped. It wasn't a nice fall but she avoided to let any sound out, swallowing the pain. She stood up again to continue running but she felt a strong grip on her arm.

The man turned her to face him and smiled sheepishly. "Where are you going, sweetheart?"

She looked at his face details, her fear showing as a frown on her face as she felt like fainting.

"Leave me or I'll start yelling."

But all he did was laughing, and she heard from afar her room door opening, and someone crying: "Where is she?"

"She's here! The bitch was trying to run away."

"Oh." The man walked out after a minute, smirking as he lighted a cigar and exhaled the smoke in circles then he glanced at the helpless girl in front of him.

He liked it; to feel superior and powerful.

She reminded him of his old self as if she was reflecting the old image of him.

And oh how much he hated his old weak self.

That's how some humans work, they go from being weak to becoming strong and then they start hating weakness, from poor to wealthy to hate the desperate feeling they used to feel when they had no dollar.

Not everyone is like that, but those who turn to be like that are beasts, monsters you have to watch over.

He advanced towards her, his smile washed off.

His face was close to hers as he looked into her eyes, frowning. He inhaled and exhaled the fume in her face waiting for a reaction, but as stinky as it felt, as vulnerable as she was, she didn't blink an eye, her body trembling but that was before he even comes out.

He watched her before he starts laughing slowly in a low tone. He approached his head and whispered to her:" You'll get yourself killed one day."


Zack felt numb after he read the letter his mother left, wondering how he never got the courage to enter his parent's room.

Drake pitied him but took a deep breath before talking. "As you can see, your mother was raped. We only knew about this in this short period of time too, but then we got a hint about who may be behind all this. Also, I guess you can understand by now that your mother either did suicide to run away from the monster and protect you all, or she was killed."

He sighed and passed his hand through his hair nervously. "Even your dad's death was planned. The fight and the whole scene were planned. We got to an only explanation for now. I'm sorry for telling you all this like this, but what's has to be done needs to be done. We suspect that your mother's rapist is the one behind all this."

"But, why?" Zack asked lost as tears slipped on his cheeks.

It was unbelievable and it just ripped his heart, feeling that the people close to his heart were just strangers with few happy memories with him.

He felt they all left this world in agony, none of them died satisfied, in their warm bed, surrounded by people they loved.

None of them just died. All had to suffer before they finally leave him alone.

And he never feared losing someone the way he does right now.

And his mind never gave ugly suggestions as it was doing at the moment as he waited for Drake to continue talking and telling him about what happened to his sister.

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