Chapter 12

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I know everyone must want to know what happened. Well...

Back to the police interview

"Well, ma'am," Officer Haddly clears his throat, "we know you aren't going anywhere." He smiles briefly. "So Sean," he turns to Sean. "Is this the same guy you had us looking up for you? And the young lady you had under your protection?"

"Haddly, I get that you guys have to be professional, but you know I can't stand when you ask about obvious stuff. Listen, you guys have the files on her ex and you know what was in it. You both know its cut and dry self defense," Sean rolls his eyes at them. And I know its a serious moment, but I can't help but to think its cute.

"Look man, you know we have to do this shit for paperwork," Jones says while him and his partner visibly relax and the tension in the air leaves. He then looks over at me. "After you have the little ones, if you decide you want to do some police work, let me know. You have no idea how much you did by getting rid of that guy. He was a major thorn in the side of the department."

I laugh at him. "No, I think I'll stick to music and motherhood." Just as I say it, the girls bust into the room.

"Oh my gosh! Girl! We couldn't wait anymore," Crystal said looking bashfully at Officer Jones. "We were going crazy when you went missing," she hugs me lightly. "Hell, I think Faith worst of all, but" she zips her lips, with a giggle, after the look Faith gives her.

"I'm happy you're OK," Faith says hugging me as well. "Were you officers finished with her?" She begins rubbing my hand.

"No, no! We were done," Jones says with his eyes glued to Crystal.

As the girls dote over me, the guys slowly make their way out. Sean comes back in with the band close behind. My hospital room slowly fills up with gifts for the babies and flowers with cards saying well wishes. Before the girls leave, Faith informs me that she dumped her boyfriend and decided to give Sabian a chance, but she's gonna wait before she tells him. When I tell them about the twins they both cry and say they each get to be a godmother now. Sean stays the whole time, just letting everyone monopolize my time. I knew he was waiting patiently for them to leave. I could see in his face he was happy to have me to himself, but also sad about something.

He stands beside the bed. "You have no idea how freaked out and disappointed that I was. I knew I would see you again, but for a split second I didn't know what to do. I'm so sorry I let you down and took that call during our date. I walked into the restroom and as soon as I was about to turn right back around, I felt something hit me on the back of my head. When that guy found me in the bathroom it was too late."

"No, don't. You didn't let me down. Yes, I was irritated that you walked out to take a call, but it could've been worse. One of us could have been dead."

"What happened?"

"Someone in a waiter uniform came up to me and said you were hurt. I followed behind them, only for a cloth to be placed over my face. I cursed John out for that because something could've gone very wrong. You know, I know I should feel bad for killing John, but I'm not. I can't even be upset about taking a life in general, but being pregnant with these babies-" I rub my stomach. "I would kill anyone who dares try and harm them. They say, 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned', but I say hell hath no fury like a mother protecting her children."

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