Chapter 7

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Honestly what surprised me more that night was the fact that all he did was laugh. He doesn't get angry, he just laughed. Like I said before, he's weird.
I'm now in my 3rd month and it's incredible watching my baby grow from the last ultrasound I had done in my second month. My stomach now pokes out slightly on my thin frame. I look over at the girls and smile. One thing I've noticed is that I am waay more emotional. The throwing up had eased and hopefully the doctor is right that after this first trimester is over, that will stop. I can't wait! Plus, I haven't been able to really do my music with the girls, like they will let me. They said all I'm allowed to do is sing to the baby. I know its because of the fact that my ex is crazy, but I understand it though.

"Okay," the doctor begins, "that's it for now. I've printed out the ultrasound picture because I know you will want that, and if you would, check with the ladies upfront to get you scheduled for your next appointment. It will be much appreciated."

"I will do that Dr. Humphrey," I say sitting up with his help. He's an awesome doctor that's come very recommended. He's been good so far.

We walk out of the exam room holding hands. I make my way over to the receptionist to make my next appointment. If I remember correctly, I get to find out the sex, but I can't remember. I guess what they say about pregnancy brain is true. The doctor comes and I get the picture from him. Once done making my next appointment the girls go to the car while I go to the bathroom. That's another thing about being pregnant, it's like my bladder is the size of a peanut.
After using the bathroom, I wash my hands, dry them, and make my way out the bathroom, only to be pushed back in. My back hits the wall and air whooshes from my lungs. For a moment I'm scared, scared not for myself, but my baby. Then I look at his face, John, and I realize that he may have me up against this wall, but this is a doctors office with a lot of people around. So instead of being afraid, fuck him, I scream. He can't say anything, but he panics and slaps me. He slaps my so hard that not only does my head jerk to the side, I bite the inside of my cheek drawing blood. When I finally look up a nurse,who looks so scared, is asking if I'm ok. I look around and realize he got scared and ran off.

"I'm fine. Just, can you walk me to my friends car?"

"Yeah, I can do that. You don't want the doctor to look at you, just in case?"

"No, I'm ok. I will call the cops and report it." I smile at her and she helps me to the car. Before I can even get halfway to the car the girls run over to me. "I'm ok," I say before they can even ask. "I guess he just wanted to scare me because of everything, but I'm ok." I turn to thank the nurse, but she's gone. She already went back inside, but I don't blame her. We walk back to the car and get in. They take me back to Sean's place in quiet, much needed quiet.

When I walk inside Sean is immediately in my face with too many questions. I guess one of those big mouths already texted him everything. "I'm going with you to all of your appointments, from now on, until we catch that bastard."

"That's really not necessary." I wave him off, finally able to go sit in the living room. I sit gingerly on one of his white plush sofas.

"It's necessary." He sits next to me and grabs my feet. After a lot of protesting on my part he slips my shoes off and begins massaging my feet. "I'm going with you. Have you seen your face? Its already started to bruise. As a matter if fact," he, unwilling now on my part, puts my feet on the sofa after he gets up, "let me get some stuff so there won't be a bruise." He leaves out and quickly comes back with some stuff for my face. I don't ask what it is, but it has a cooling effect on my face where I know it was already swelling. "Now that should be much better." He wipes his hand in a wet hand towel he brought. "How's it feel?"

"Cool, but comfortable." I smile at him. "It's really not necessary for you to come with my future appointments."

"And it's really not necessary for you to fight so hard against what we could have." He leans in closer to me, his lips about two inches from mine. "Why can't you admit that you need me? Not only is it my job, that I'm not getting paid for, but I need to make sure you are safe."

"You don't have to try and be my hero, what you are doing is enough. I mean do you have some kind of hero complex, where you have to save the abused pregnant woman? I don't get this." I'm like really confused my him. We have been doing good being friends and he hasn't brought this stuff up since the night of the syrup incident. Now all of a sudden, I get a slap in the face, as if its never happened before, and he has to bring this up.

He smiles his beautiful smile. "I don't have some weird complex. I just feel like you are meant for me, and it sucks that you won't even give me a chance. I actually like your beautiful self."

I do something I never thought I would do... I kiss him.

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